Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Last night my room mate informed me that I talk a LOT in my sleep. I laughed and explained to her that I was wondering when that would come up because I am well aware of that fact. My brother would tease me mercilessly about it. According to her, two weeks ago she came in and I was asleep. She heard me mumbling and was like,

"What the heck? Is she awake?"

She went towards my bed and I say up saying,


Then I laid back down and continued to mutter.

I told her that it wasn't the first time and probably wouldn't be the last. I even tend to sing while I'm sleeping. My brother's heard me do it along with one of my friends. When I was little I slept walked around the house.

Ah well. I'll have to look it up later and see why I might do that.

Needless to say, now she wants hear me sing in my sleep. She says that she's going to video tape me and post it on YouTube.

*shakes head*

I'll never live this down.