Saturday, October 10, 2009


Just a few quick things about life at the moment. So I'm working at my new job, and it's really funny because there's a lady there with the same name as me. This is a bit unusual, I've never been involved with anyone who had the same name as me, especially not spelled the same way, since my version is a bit older and out of favor with the general population.
But this lady is constantly getting calls and asked questions because she's a senior employee- and I just jump every time I hear my name, but they aren't talking to me.
We were joking that we should write "1" and "2" on our nametags, in the meantime I just call her "Number One." which actually gives me flashbacks to Star Trek... >.<;
Also, as much as I loved working at my old job, and still love the girls I worked with, I didn't much LIKE it...
Well... that's hard to explain. See, I don't like people. I'll be the first to admit it. But this new job? The customers? I've gotten to where I think I do like people. I've had conversations with them, and they're really nice and understanding...
Oh well.
Like the picture? That's Farwing, one of my muses. He's the only guy muse, and is in charge of "character." He's kind of easygoing and ready for anything, so I thought he fit this post.