It's true. They aren't. This is just a short post to showcase the latest picture I've colored, and to mention something I found funny.
I found myself in need of a book to read, and Fruit Bat let me borrow one of hers (which she had not yet read), it's called A Wolf Story by James Byron Huggins, its a christian novel, and I found myself interested. I opened it to begin reading and discovered that it was about... hares.
Think rabbits, but wild and capable of defending themselves reasonably. The first five chapters are about hares. Lol. After that I think we get into some wolves, but I'm not quite there yet. I just found it infinitely amusing to hear the hares talk about battles that they'd been in, and how they were going to fight. Thus, I am loathe to call them rabbits.... but seriously. Hares?
The picture is of the Kingdom Hearts character Axel as a lion (Axel Lion by hibbary, DeviantART)- I colored it last week, but forgot to post it....