If that title made sense to you, you may want to read it again.
This is a post about time, of which I have about twenty-four minutes to rant about until I leave for work.
So, I get to go home this weekend, but I leave Sunday morning. Today, and tomorrow, seem to be taking forever. Tomorrow twice as long as today, since it's not even here yet.
And yet- the time passed way too quickly this morning. I had two tests today- one of which I'm particularly upset about.
One of my English classes (I'm in two) had a test today. I spent much of last night studying. With the result being that when I took the test this morning, I'm fairly confident on my score on the multiple choice/ quotation identification section. The thing that has me twitchy was the essay. With thirty minutes left on the clock, I grabbed the essay prompt, selected one, and pulled quotes out of the books- yes, it would have gone much faster without the quotes, unfortunately they were required. Having pulled my quotes, I started to write.
I don't know if whoever is reading this has ever had to read my handwriting, so I'll just say it. My handwriting is pretty messy, especially if I'm in a hurry (this usually means taking notes or trying to capture a fleeting idea). But even my regular not-rushed writing can usually only be read by me without unreasonable difficulty. Anything I give to friends or family to read is usually rewritten with my taking express care to keep it legible.
This meant, since having an illegible essay would be worse than useless, I had to write a bit slower. I had finished my opening statement and was midway into the second paragraph when the teacher said we had five minutes. Nice writing flew out the window.
Even with the nice writing dying a silent death, I only managed to finish the paragraph I was working on and start the first half of the other. When the professor told us to finish our sentences, I abandoned all pretense of explaining my quotes and simply threw them out there.
So I had to turn in a paper that cuts off in the middle of the third/fourth paragraph, one which has no closing statement whatsoever.
I've never not finished an essay before.
I feel SO twitchy about it.