I had this crazy idea a while back of taking the characters from Rurouni Kenshin and making them animals- I even have a sort-of plotline, though I don't know that I'll ever get around to writing it- it's sorta pointless to write a story on something that isn't yours... >.<
But, anyway, I've been taking some wolf drawings (NOT BY ME. CREDIT GOES COMPLETELY TO KAY FEDEWA OF THE BLACKBLOOD ALLIANCE. I DID THESE PICTURES FOR MY OWN PERSONAL AMUSEMENT, I DON'T WANT ANY MONEY FROM THEM, BUT STILL, I APOLOGIZE TO THE ARTIST!) and recoloring them to fit with the RK cast members that I've chosen. I'll be trying to post a wolf a day.
First up is Aoshi Shinomori, since he's a tall human, he'd probably be a tall wolf. He's a timberwolf, the silvery parts are scars (yes, Aoshi has scars. A lot, actually, if you look at his second fight with Kenshin.) That thing on his leg is an
armwarmer/armor thing... it's mostly there because he's a ninja... ninja wolf! >.>;
He may not be mine but I worked hard on him gosh darn it! And I think he's pretty!
For the purposes of this story, I'm ignoring some basic facts of nature, so I don't want any grief about some of the animals that I picked for the characters. If you think you can do better, please, show me.