I say this purely from amusement.
There is an element in films, known as the fourth wall. It is the invisible barrier that keeps the actors separate from the viewer- the fourth wall is said to be "broken" when an actor interacts directly with the audience i/e- smiles directly into the camera, winks at the camera, speaks to the camera, etc.
If you want to see some spectacular breakings of the fourth wall, I recommend Spaceballs- where the actors actually kill a camera technician, or Blazing Saddles, where they break off the set.
However, in this particular movie- there IS NO FOURTH WALL. It has been demolished, never to return.
Fan's of Steve Irwin's show will know that that's just the way he ran it- speaking directly to the viewer about whatever was going on. That is neither good, bad, or indifferent- but it sure made movie night more funny.