Friday, December 12, 2008

Bringing Others Together: A Miracle Dog

Dakota is doing well though he's a bit tired and out of it. I had to go buy an E-collar for him because he was pulling the staples out of his leg. I then had to take him to the vet due to the incision leaking blood and pus. My vet told me that she didn't like it that the vet's near my college (about 4 hours away) used staples to close the incision up. She said that they should have used stitches or something more secure. She didn't put anymore staples in his leg. She said that it needed to drain. They also didn't give me any antibiotics for him at the clinic near my college, so my vet here gave me some. She didn't understand why the vets over there didn't give me antibiotics either. I can't complain though. Those vets did a wonderful thing for Dakota. Poor Dakota was exhausted afterwards. He didn't appreciate being taken to the vet clinic. The little guy slept most of yesterday.

Good news! He's been putting weight on his left hind leg. He has even been walking on it! Hopefully he'll get full use of it back. I start physical therapy on him next week. He also gained three pounds! He now weighs 58 pounds instead of 55!
The only problems we're having with him right now is him pushing Toboe-chan around. He growls and snarls at him when he comes over to be petted by me. I'm trying to teach him that he can't do that. I have two hands and I am quite capable of petting them both. He also tries to steal Toboe's food. He needs to learn that it's not allowed. Luckily, he doesn't try to take food away from people in the house. Dakota doesn't even seem to notice or care. When we take his food away from him he let's us and doesn't cause any problems. I was worried that he might since he's been starved. He also thinks that he's allowed on the couch. I've been working with him on that. LOL!

Yesterday Dakota and Toby got into a fight. I had to break it up. Dakota discovered how much fun toys were and decided that he wanted the ball Toby had. Toby didn't like that. No one was hurt but they can't continue to fight over toys.

We had to take him to the vet again today because his leg was leaking blood and pus REALLY bad. They put two more staples in his leg and cleaned his right ear because he still has a bit of an infection in it. They left room for it to leak out because again, it's good for it too. We are just trying to keep him from laying on the carpet and getting blood on it. He's been pretty good about staying on his blankets. There was a sweet lady that overheard Dakota's story at the vet clinic and when we went back to the exam room one of the vets came in and told us that the lady had paid for his visit to the vet. We didn't have to pay anything. I can't believe that she did that. I wish I could have told her thank you but at least my mom got to. I had to stay in the exam room with him. My mom said that when she thanked the lady that she had said that she'd hoped to escape before we realized what she'd done for us. The lady had tears in her eyes and said that she felt the need to help because no animal deserves what he went through. She told my mom Merry Christmas and my mom did likewise.
The vet fell in love with him as well and told us that he'd only charge us for the exam. Nothing else. Dakota is bringing strangers together and showing everyone what miracles are by surviving against all odds. He's received the name "Miracle Dog" by us and others. Along with "Christmas Puppy." Absolutely amazing! God has a plan for him, I can see it. There's a reason he was meant to live.

That's pretty much it right now. I'll keep everyone updated on his progress.

I can't wait for you guys to meet him!
Heh. ---------------->
He's being a dork in this pic! He was lying on his back. LOL! XD