I like my hair okay. I mean, it's not special in any way shape or form, but it's mine, so I like it. The reason that I bring this up is because I believe that the wind is in love with hair. Over here in we've had QUITE strong winds for the past couple of days (strong as in I-can't-ride-my-bicycle-in-a-straight-line-and-I-think-it-might-be-faster-to-walk) and consequently, no matter how carefully hair is brushed or restricted in the morning- it's everywhere by the time you get to class. Anyway... my sprouts seem to be doing okay- the day after the first one popped up the second one sprouted, since the second was further from the light, it's bent all out of shape to get to it. If I leave them in the same pot, I know that one will kill the other. There just isn't room for both of them. (to all plant lovers, I apologize, but I was so sure that one of the seeds wouldn't sprout that I planted two.) If it comes down to that, I actually think the bent sprout will live, because it's the one that's trying harder for the light. And on a completely random end note (as though the whole post hasn't been random...) French Toast- have you had it? I thought I had, I thought I didn't like it. Turns out that I haven't. What I thought was French Toast was actually Dutch Toast. Which I didn't even know existed. But probably should have guessed. (One of the few countries that my family can actually trace our ancestors back to is Holland). Dutch toast is made by dipping bread in pancake batter and frying it in oil. It is served with butter and syrup or powdered sugar. French toast is made from dipping bread in a milk/egg mixture that is grilled and served with the same. Fruit Bat's family puts sugar and cinnamon in the mixture. ........ why is everything so complicated?