Yes, that place of wonder and dread has pulled us to it once more. Or, yeah, the fruit bat and fox are back at college now. Fruit Bat and I are now dorm-mates! This will doubtless make the blog a bit strange, as we now see each other with far greater frequency, but since this blog is more for the benefit of family and friends back home, our posts should still come with the same unerring irregularity. It feels so strange to be back, it's our second year, older, wiser, and knowledgeable about such important things as which doors to open, and what days are best for laundry. The Bat and I didn't start to feel nervous until we were driving down the road to the school, about three blocks away, and then it suddenly hit us- that we were BACK. Sometimes I wonder if "Fruit Bat" shouldn't be "Pack Rat"- she brought most of her stuff with her, as I type, secure and done with unpacking, she moves things around on her desk, trying to find places for it all. She says she wants to make the place more homey- and it certainly is, we have posters on all the walls and a tv, truly impressive, I hardly recognize the old place. Within moments, we will travel downstairs to try and find out where parking permits are sold, then maybe we'll get dinner. I'm not sure if jobhunting starts today or tomorrow- as it's five now, I'm inclined toward tomorrow... but a job will be gotten!