Today I had a divine appointment. Yes, I really did. Only I didn't know about it until I was called into the office. Literally.
Basically my room mate and me needed a vacuum to clean our dorm up. So, I called my Granny and asked if I could borrow hers. My room mate and I didn't want to go out and buy one. I told my Granny that I'd come get it after 1pm because I had an exam at that time. Suddenly I said, "No, I'll come get it now." As soon as I said it I was annoyed. I didn't understand why I had just blurted out that I would come get it immediately when I needed to be studying. What the heck? I'd just go get it. Normally when I go to their house I take a quick way that involves fewer lights. Well, as I was waiting to make a right onto the road, I suddenly found myself going straight. I was like, "What the? Why the HECK did I go straight?!" I sighed and decided that I'd just take the long way to their house. What did it matter?
When I turned down onto the street that lead to the main road I was complaining aloud to myself about taking the long rout and not understanding why I had done so. All of a sudden I saw a dog. He was lying in a church parking lot on the grass off to the side of the road. I drove by and saw that it looked like something was wrong with him. I made a U-turn and went back to him. As I pulled up and stepped out of my truck he stood up and stumbled/walked away from me, holding his left leg up. I gasped when I saw that he was REALLY skinny. I could see all of his ribs, his hip bones stuck out, and the vertebrae in his spine were easy to count. I cooed to him and talked sweetly. He stopped gave me this look that said, "You're not going to throw something at me?" wagged his tail a little, and laid down. He looked abandoned and I figured he'd been hit by a car.
I walked up to him and started petting him. When I touched his right ear he whimpered and moved away. I was scared when I saw dried blood and thought that when he'd been hit by the car he'd been hit in the head as well. I tried to put my necklace around his neck as a leash but he freaked and took off in his stumbling walk again. I calmed him down by talking softly again and he laid back down. I then began asking God what I was supposed to do when a guy working for Direct TV drove by. I flagged him down and he turned down the ally-way that I was on. I explained to him that I needed rope or something. He asked if cable would work and I said yes. He then pulled a whole bunch out and asked how long I wanted it. I told him and he gave it to me. I then put it around his neck and tied it. He began freaking out again when I tried to pull him to my truck. He was yelping because it hurt to walk. I asked the guy to hold him while I ran and got my truck.
I came back and tied my necklace around his muzzle so that he wouldn't bite me. Then I picked him up and put him in my truck. Dang was he heavy for a starved dog! My Granny and I rushed him to the vet clinic and they did X-rays to see what was wrong.
Apparently, his left hip bone had been knocked out of its normal place. They said it was an old wound from several months ago and were surprised that he had survived as long as he did with it that way. They are going to give him surgery to help him be able to walk without so much pain. They plan on going into him and shaving down the ball part of his femur. Then they're going to put it back in it's socket. Cartilage will build up and his muscles and ligaments will support it, and help him to walk again. He'll be able to walk eventually but he'll always have a strange limping gait.
The blood on his head was from an ear infection. They think he had been in a fight because he has a puncture hole on his ear. The wound became infected and swelled up.
He is also extremely malnourished so we will be working on getting weight put on him. Poor baby. He has no name yet but my mom said that we are going to be keeping him. I'm bringing him back with me Thursday.
The x-ray is of his left hip. You can see that the femur is trying to fuse with another bone. I'll post pictures of him Wednesday if I can. No promises. I will say that he appears to be a German Shepard mix. He's bigger than Toby if that helps. LOL! XD
Vul says that it sounds like my Guardian angle took the steering wheel from me. LOL! I can believe it. She says that my magnetism is growing and surpassed the level of animals being drawn to me. Now I'm being drawn to them when they're in need.
OH, and when I backed out of the allyway I hit a huge metal green dumpster and majorly dented the back end of my truck! Drat! My dad is gonna be SOOO angry when he sees that!
Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see