It finally happened to me!
Really it did, I had an animal encounter! (I feel so accomplished now.)
I was heading back from a meeting with my professor, and there at the crosswalk was a black kitten, staring at the passersby with a very friendly expression. I got off my bike and started talking to the cat, he was rubbing his face all up and down the concrete, but didn't want to actually be touched. So I was following him along, trying to get him to come to me, and wishing that I had some kind of food with me- because he was really skinny.
As I was doing this, a guy came up and the kitty got spooked- somewhere along the way I started calling him Mal. Even though he was now in hiding, I couldn't forget it so I grabbed a piece of lunchmeat from my dorm (since FruitBat and her magical truck of cat food were not t the campus) and hoofed it back to where I saw the cat. I didn't see him there anymore, but left the meat anyway. I will confess that I felt pretty depressed that he wasn't there...
Anyway when FB got back I told her about the kitten and after dinner/studying we went back to where he'd been on our walk- Fruit Bat brought along a can of wet food, and we popped that sucker open and settled down to wait.
Let me tell you, seeing a black cat on a dark night, is not easy. But Mal did show up, and we then hoofed it over to the dorm to grab FB's truck and trap... we tried to get him into the big trap- but he was too clever and light to trigger the switch! So we caught him in the trap meant for rabbits and squirrels... lol.
I swear, Mal is adorable, and I feel wonderfully/horribly overprotective. We've got him at the lady who'd taken care of Mamma-kitty earlier. He let us pet him! He's really horrible at being feral... He let us hold him and fuss over him, and even when he wasn't happy that we held him he didn't claw or bite at us, he just squirmed.
Of course... none of us can keep him... but... I love him anyway.
My first animal rescue!