They came running over to eat the bread we were tossing out for them. The nasty things chased off the cute ducks. I loved the ducks! They acted like dogs, and they weren't rude either. The geese, especially the males, were very demanding about the food. They wanted it immediately. I have to admit that the geese were cute in their own way though. The main male goose got right next to Vul and me. His head came up to my hip. He would try snagging some food from our hands while we were busy feeding one of the other geese or ducks. Sneaky brat! He even tried to bite us! I posted a video of him at the top of the blog if you wish to see it.
We also saw some strange birds that dove under the water. I'm not sure what they were but they were quite skittish of us.
On our way back Friday, we came across two dogs; a Basset Hound and a Husky. They were adorable! The Husky kept sticking his head through the fence, and she licked our faces. The Basset Hound was under weight which we weren't too happy about. He was cute too! He had that trademark sad droopy face. *pet pet* SO SWEET!!! :D