For the past few days my room mate, who I'll refer to as Anan, and myself have been having an air-conditioner battle with our suite mates who like to have it way to freakin' cold! As in 65 to 68 degrees.
Okay, I love cold. Like LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! BUT, there is a BIG difference between artificial cold and natural cold. I like the latter. Don't get me wrong I do like to have it cool inside when its hot outside but when its cold outside at night and early in the morning I don't. Most sane people would agree.
Well this morning was the last straw. Anan and me woke up to the temperature inside 68 while the temp outside was even lower than that. We were freezing and shivering and extremely angry. I went straight into the living room and shot it up to 75 degrees in hopes that they would wake up sweating. Then Anan turned on her music with surround sound and played a heavy metal song followed by country that literally vibrated the walls and floor. Now I understand that it was pretty awful of us to do that and I have no excuse for it aside from revenge for all the times they've woken us up with their music and now freezing temperatures. I do admit that it was wrong.
The rest of the day we played the auto or manual battle with the air. I wanted it on Auto seeing in how that would keep the air from running twenty-four-seven but ON NO how dare I! My two suite mates kept putting it back on manual and turning it down to 68 so I was like, fine. Then if you want it on manual it's staying on 70. Well, that didn't work.
I ended up going and buying a heater and covering up the air vent even better with a towel. Unfortunately, it is still cold. We're both going to have to go talk to them and come up with some sort of compromise. We can't continue this silent feud *sigh* They just can't take hints.
The pics are of our dorm room. My side only. I also posted some pictures of the air vent that I covered in our dorm.
~Fruit Bat~
Wow! seems like its gonna be fun. XD
I'm a little jealous since over here, it's so hot to the extent that you'll feel like melting if you don't have any decent air-conditioning (which I had it always on to attain that cool temp. lol)
P.S./ the temperature you mention there, isn't it a little too high to warm down the room? lol
You should exchange the heater for a small air conditioner then disconnect the controls for the air conditioner you share. That will leave you with normal temperature during the day and when it gets hot, an AC.
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