Friday, September 5, 2008

Picture Problem

Since I live in a dorm, I have a roommate. It's just one of those natural things, like, since I went swimming, I got wet. It just is, you don't have to know more than that. Anyway, she's a good roomate, she doesn't make a mess anywhere, she's very nice... all that stuff. Since I felt bad because she decorated our door a little (when you walk down the hall everyone has signs or whiteboards on their doors,) I decided to contribute in that special way that I can. So I drew 2 pictures, one for her, one for me, to go on the door. Hers is a pittbull puppy, mine is a fox reading a book. Problem is, she likes her puppy so much she's scared someone will steal it, and thus, won't put it on the door. *Sigh* That means I can't put MINE on the door. I don't really want to make her another one,

1. I don't have any more paper.

2. Even if I did, I used PRISMACOLORS to color the first image. Those things are a dollar a pencil. No way am I wasting them by mass producing an (admittedly cute) puppy.

So as of right now, our door is somewhat boring. When it could be awesome.


Sarah said...

Awwww I'm sorry babe, that does suck, but I know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

heh..the irony..sorry. Tis funny! I love you and at least you made an effort even if it doesn't get to be put up.

Silvertongue said...

You could make a photocopy of it to put up. I never really paid attention to what is on my door at home but i have been meaning to decorate mine as well...Thanks for reminding me.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tom. You should make copies of it so you can put it on the door.