Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Last night my room mate informed me that I talk a LOT in my sleep. I laughed and explained to her that I was wondering when that would come up because I am well aware of that fact. My brother would tease me mercilessly about it. According to her, two weeks ago she came in and I was asleep. She heard me mumbling and was like,

"What the heck? Is she awake?"

She went towards my bed and I say up saying,


Then I laid back down and continued to mutter.

I told her that it wasn't the first time and probably wouldn't be the last. I even tend to sing while I'm sleeping. My brother's heard me do it along with one of my friends. When I was little I slept walked around the house.

Ah well. I'll have to look it up later and see why I might do that.

Needless to say, now she wants hear me sing in my sleep. She says that she's going to video tape me and post it on YouTube.

*shakes head*

I'll never live this down.


Vulpecula said...

lolz! That's pretty cool, talking and stuff in your sleep. I don't do any of that, to the best of my knowledge, however, EvilGlare has been known to, talk, shout, answer questions, hit and turn off her alarm in her sleep.

Silvertongue said...

Only of you get taped will you never live it down XD

Anonymous said...


Either way I will never live it down. Ah well! *punches air* That just gives me somthing fun to remember! YAY!

Adr said...

lol, remember to send me a link to that video if it's recorded. XD

Fruit Bat said...



*runs and hides*