Friday, November 14, 2008

Angels among us

Say hello to my new roommate, Archangel!
Courtesy the great dexerity of Fruit Bat, I now have a Beta fish, isn't he handsome?
We got him at a fall festival of sorts, you had to throw a ping pong ball into a fishbowl to win a fish (I, sadly couldn't do it. Fruit Bat claims that the trick is to throw it underhand- everyone else tried overhand)

For anyone who's curious, he is called Archangel after my favorite character off of an old TV show called Airwolf. (It's slightly inappropritate, because the character wears all white...) Michael Coldsmith-Briggs III, codename, Archangel. Unlike his namesake, he seems to be quite the social fish!


Sarah said...

Hey guys. Could you two do me a favor and pray for my friend. He has heart cancer and doesn't think he'll make it past the end of the month.

Silvertongue said...

I'm very sorry to hear about that. I prayed for him just now. I do hope our prayers are heard and he ends up okay.

Sarah said...

Me too. I really really hope so. I know if there's anyway to heal him now, it's God.

Vulpecula said...

We'll pray Rosie.

Fruit Bat said...

I wil pray for him.

Love your fish! Pretty Arcangel!

*pet pet*