Monday, November 17, 2008

No Soap Needed

<------My room-mate holding a coffee pot.

<------Note the murky water.

On a side note, my room mate was making coffee a few nights ago, and when she filled up the coffee pot the water came out a murky grey/white. Yeah, it was gross. Here are some pictures of it. Strangely, only the hot water does that, and if you let it sit for a few minutes it goes back to being clear. Weird.

By the way, there is no soap in the coffee pot. LOL! xD

<-----Can't see bottom of coffee pot.

<-----At least the water is drinkable. It could be worse.

Though that doesn't change the fact that it's not normal. Tis' odd.

I've never seen water do this before. Kind of gross. I wonder what it means...
Heh. Our finger nails were still painted black from Halloween. :D


Silvertongue said...

...maybe i don't want to come to come visit after all, that water looks pretty nasty.

Sarah said...

Hot water used to do that at our house all the time. It's not a bad thing. It's just something about all the lime in the water I think.

Fruit Bat said...

Lime. Hm. That makes me feel a little better but still; murky water. Yummy.

LOL! That's okay Magic, besides, you've already drank some of the murky water. Haha! xD

Fruit Bat said...

Oh, and I noticed that during showers the water is murky unless you switch it to cold. Eh, and I refuse to take a cold shower when it's 30 something degrees farenhieght outside. That's one way to get a cold really quick.