Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Villains continued...

I said I might do another, so in the interest of killing time until I get to go home- here is my list of adored villains. Seriously- either I think these guys are awesome or someone I know does.

Reno - Final Fantasy VII
Now here’s a character that was boosted to sudden popularity! He’s benefited greatly from the release of Advent Children- though I thought he was pretty cool in the game too. Reno is a Turk- (an organization, not the country) Turks specialize in dirty deeds, such as murder, extortion, kidnapping and espionage, though they also find candidates for SOLDIER. You fight Reno several times during the course of the game- he’s not too tough, but is a respectable opponent. Reno is noticeably the most laid back of the Turks- just look at the way he dresses!

“A pro isn't someone who sacrifices themselves for a job. That's just a fool.”

Seifer Almasy – Final Fantasy VIII
Ah yes, the “Sorceress’ Knight” and eternal rival of Squall in FF8, the cocky blond bombshell, Seifer. I always thought that Seifer was kind of interesting- he’s the mirror opposite of Squall after all, and how often do you get to see that? I loved his friends Fujin and Raijin, but in the end, wound up hating him. I mean, seriously, being brainwashed or “entranced” only buys you so much leeway in my book. The guy tortured Squall and enjoyed it. Hmph.

Quistis Trepe: You're the squad leader. Good luck to you.

Seifer: ...Instructor. I hate it when people wish me luck. Save those words for a bad student that needs them, eh?

Belleza- Skies of Arcadia
Whoo-boy… I’ve got a love-hate relationship with Belleza, I love her because she’s incredibly strong, incredibly smart and refuses to let her people die unnecessarily. I hate her because she’s incredibly strong, incredibly smart, and in love with the villain. The first time you meet Belleza, you as the player should know that something is up- because there is just no way that that beautiful obviously-not-from-Nsar- bellydancing girl is interested in nobody like Vyse. At this point in the game you haven’t really done to much in the way of serious ship fighting, you fought Baltor and learned that if you shoot a ship from behind, good things happen. Then you fight Belleza. BELLEZA IS SMARTER THAN YOU. You are given options while fighting her, if you choose the wrong one, such as, trying to get behind her she will decimate you. The only way to beat her with minimal pain is to choose all the right answers, which is impossible on your first try unless you are cheating.
Nevertheless, I salute Belleza, because she had the guts to kill the man she loved for the sake of the world. ‘Course, she died too.

Vyse: They say that only one who has walked the desert can know its true size. (Belleza told him this)
Belleza: I never thought I would truly know the desert’s size…

Harle- Chrono Cross
One of my three favorite characters in the game, Harle, who is more mysterious than evil. Harle is constantly covered in thick jester’s paint, so you never get to see what she looks like, though some fans of the game have pointed out the resemblance in her facial structure to that of Kid, the heroine. Harle serves “Monseiur Lynx” with a strong French accent and a flirtatious personality toward Serge. Throughout the game you see that despite the side she is on, she does not wish for Serge’s death. Harle has no happy ending, which fails in my opinion, she simply disappears at one point in the game and you never see her again. I understand why this is so, but she’s such a great character!

“Pleaze dream of moi, Serge!”

Millenia- Grandia II
I suppose if you want to get technical in one direction Millenia isn’t really a villain. But if you get technical in the other direction… Millenia is the “The Wings of Valmar” who is, for all purposes of the game, the devil. The only reason that she has physical form is that she has infested the body of Elena, and is in fact supposed to take over Elena’s body and eat her soul. Reasons why she doesn’t do this are unknown. Millenia loves chaos, and has a habit of exploding when provoked- fans of the game will remember the “rage meter” for Millenia which had a habit of exploding in boss fights, effectively stealing control away from you. Millenia is an amazing character who I find hilarious.

“AHHH! The cursed light of the sun! It burns, it BURNS! Ha! Fooled ya!”

Riku- Kingdom Hearts
Simultaneously best friend and worst enemy of Sora in the first game. Riku was always the leader of their group of friends, the leader, the best fighter, the most adventurous, in short, he is the perfect hero character. Which also makes him a perfect villain. First clue that something isn’t right- Riku willingly steps into the darkness with little regard for what is happening to his island, and where his friends are. Through the course of the game, Riku loses control of himself to the one called “Ansem,” though he regains it before the end, forcibly restraining the beast within himself from attacking Sora.
“Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!”


Silvertongue said...

Again, love the list. Not as good as the first list, but then again i can't really expect a continuation to be better when the best were said before.

Vulpecula said...

I'm confused. Is my writing getting worse, or do you think that the villains just aren't as good as the earlier ones?

Anonymous said...

Great list!

I think he just meant that the other list had better villains.

Fruit Bat said...

*points up at Jacket*

That was me. Sorry, I forgot to logout then login as Fruitbat. LOL! xD