Sunday, December 7, 2008

On the Third day...

We step out of the Oniwabanshuu and into the Kenshin-gumi, starting with Megumi, the fox lady.

Seriously, the series tells us (repeatedly) that she is a "fox".

Here's Megumi Takani, she's actually the one that I've worked the hardest on- because I'm not happy with her color. I went from brown to gold to darker gold- and I'm still not happy, but I don't have time to waste on her.

In the show, Megumi is a smart and flirty doctor (hence the name "fox") who is also very beautiful. It just sort of made sense that the Kenshin group would eventually get a doctor- heaven knows they need one on call all the time.

As always, I only colored and tweaked the picture, which belongs to Kay Fedewa of the Black Blood Alliance.

1 comment:

Fruit Bat said...

Looks like you got the color right. LOL! XD Wonderful work!