Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Yes, reining, not raining, but reining. Spelled as in horse reins. Sunday Vulpecula and I went to the horse show that San Angelo is hosting. We watched about ten horses and their riders perform a reining pattern. I'm not sure which pattern it was but I was VERY excited and happy to have been around horses for a bit. In reining, a horse and rider perform one of around eight different patterns. In these patterns the horse and rider are required to perform circles at different speeds (canter, gallop usually), then around four fore-quarters, sliding stops, and a few roll-backs. If you don't know what I'm talking about then just go take a look at this video. If you don't care then fine, I dont' care either. You don't have to like knowing about horses.

We didn't stay for the entire show because they were only doing reining patterns, and the announcer said something like 59 horses were going to be performing. We got up and left pretty soon after that.

I might go over there tomorrow to see if they're still performing. It's free so why not? LOL! XD

My Papa wasn't feeling very well on Sunday either. I found out that he hadn't been feeling well for about three weeks. We all thought that he just had a cold or something but he didn't. My Granny took him down to the emergency room yesterday and they found out that he has a stomach ulcer. My family and I were all thankful that it wasn't something worse. I'm going to take my Aloe Vera juice over to him tomorrow. In case you didn't know Aloe Vera juice is shown to help alleviate and sometimes eliminate stomach ulcers. I use it for my IBS symptoms because it helps your stomach and digestive tract. Not only that but it's good for your hair and skin. Go take a look at your lotion or shampoo, it's probably in there.

Yesterday I had my walking fitness class. Now our teacher let's us do whatever we want in that class. You HAVE to walk but you can jog, run up and down the football bleachers, do crunches, etc. Well, I decided that I was going to walk a lap then do bleachers. I went up and down them skipping every other step to get a really good work out. I kept going even when my legs were burning and I felt woozy. I shouldn't have done that because today I woke up, hopped out of my bed, and nearly fell flat on the ground. My Tibialis anterior muscles hurt like crud now (for those who don't know that's the muscles attached to the back of your tibia). Man it was so pathetic! Whenever I tried going down any stairs today I had to hold on to the rail really tight to keep from falling. Vul thought it was funny! It actually is. I haven't had these muscles sore since middle school. I feel like a weakling now. I have that class tomorrow and I'm going to do the bleachers again. It's the only way I'm going to get the soreness to work itself out.
I would also like to mention that Vul and I joined the Chi Alpha Christian group here. It's pretty cool. We have yet to go and find a Bible study that we can attend.
Anywho, here's our shirts! Freakin' awesome if I do say so myself!I'm also an anime club member here. I'm mentioning this because last Friday, when they went to play this one anime called Shuffle, it some how was switched to English. As soon as the girl started to speak in English there was this epic scream of "AHHHH!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! Turn it off!!!" It was hilarious! We all freaked and demanded for it to be put in Japanese. LOL!

Anywho, for anyone who cares Vul and I are coming home this weekend!!! YAYS!!!! *dances happily* I can't wait but I must.


Vulpecula said...

Yes, the epicness of reining. I felt sorry for a bunch of the horses during the sliding stops- just when they built up speed, looked as if they were going as fast as they wanted to, they had to put on the brakes!

Fruit Bat said...

Yeah, I felt bad for the horse that was limping. Poor baby. Aside from that it was fun!!