Monday, April 13, 2009

It was a good break. It was even a good Easter. What it was not, was a good drive back to the college. It was pure coincidence that said drive back occurred on Easter. I do not blame Easter for my bad experience. The long and short of it is, about halfway back to town, I noticed my engine having difficulty accelerating, and making a HORRIBLE clunking grinding noise. After my car STALLED OUT (which it has NEVER done before) at a stop light, I pulled over. A giant thank you to my sister EvilGlare, for having had a stick shift, and having stalled out her car at stop lights, so I knew how to get it running again. I still don't know what's wrong with the darn thing. I had to get Fruit Bat to come pick me up and leave my car in that town.
Fortunately my parents are getting it towed so we can see what's wrong with it.

Also, since it was Easter I got a wonderful chocolate rabbit- which did not survive the car ride back to the dorm. Heck, it died quicker than my car! I now posess a chocolate puddle, painstakingly scraped from the cardboard box and being kept in a refridgerator.

And as if this post wasn't random enough (see lack of title above)-I've just finished reading a book, and it was so... something that I'm going to go ahead and mention it. I found it at the library, where there are a great many books, as I was browsing, it caught my eye. The book is black- which is not uncommon nowadays, black with silver letters proclaiming that it is "The Black Book of Secrets," and on the cover is the image of a boy standing in front of a man (the man's head is not visible) with his finger raised to his lips as if to silence th reader. On his shoulder is a red-eyed tree frog that is magnificently green against the black- just as green are the boy's eyes. As if the title weren't intriguing enough, the edges of the pages are black. Just as some Bibles have gold or red or silver gilt on the edges of their pages. It boggles the mind to look at it. The summary almost doesn't matter- I had to check it out, if only to go on looking at it. The story is quite good too- the secrets that are told are usually not of a pleasent nature, but the characters are real, and even in their secrets you can see that they are good people. My only regret is that at the end of the book- there are still secrets left untold.


Anonymous said...

That book. I need to read it. What is it called?

Vulpecula said...

The Black Book of Secrets.