The Adventures Of A Fruit Bat
"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'"
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Yes, I'm back! I have a new ditch-ee: Facebook. Yup, I'm done with that place. It will still have me in a way, but as far as posting and browsing goes, I'm done. Finished. Au Revoir!
Reasons I'm leaving the famous social network? There are quite a few. The main one being that I am done with how petty nearly every status is on Facebook. I have enough going on without it adding to my already chaotic life. On top of that, it just shares too much. I mean, the WORLD can see and read things about you. Yeah, if I wanted that, I'd just broadcast it on the news.
So yeah, if I'm your friend on Facebook, just know that you won't see or hear much from me on there anymore. Need me for something? Send me an email or text. Better yet, give me a phone call. I'd love to chat!
Until later!
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Peace Out, Long Hair
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
What If We Start Again?
I can make it right
With one more try
Can we start again?
In my eyes,
You can see it now,
Can we start again, can we start again?
~Red ' Start Again'
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Oh, Decisions!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
A Sirius Predicament
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Well, I went to bed last night, and something weird happened.
I was lying there, trying to sleep, but I kept hearing this noise. My brain informed me that it was the sound of something crawling around in my pillow. The other part of my brain informed me that this was unlikely, it was probably just the sound of my hair moving against the pillowcase or something.
So I kept lying there, kept hearing this noise, and just couldn’t get to sleep. Finally I opened my eyes and propped myself up on an elbow to whack at my pillow to try and pound it into some non-noisemaking shape. And I saw something black move across my bed.
I did not scream. I did make a high-pitched noise of distress.
My vision is incredibly poor without my contacts or glasses, but at this point, I became a ninja and somehow got out of bed in about .03 seconds, had the light on and had whipped out my glasses. My first thought was that it was a spider, so of course there was a part of my brain gibbering in terror by itself, while the rest of me investigated.
Nothing was visible, but I was pretty sure that the black thing was hiding under my pillow. Carefully, I lifted the pillow. Below it, glimpsed in the second before I dropped the pillow like a hot brick, was a giant black beetle. We’ve been seeing a lot of them around this year, I don’t know what they are, but they’re big enough to freak me out when I find them in my bed.
The beetle proceeded to crawl on top of my pillow then, and I had to make myself kill it. With my shoe, and about three Kleenex. I then knocked all of the pillows and blankets off my bed to make sure there weren’t any more. And I couldn’t get to sleep for a very long time, because I kept having the phantom-sensation of bugs crawling on me, and every time I felt it, I jumped a foot and started brushing frantically at myself. I’ve got the heebie-jeebies again now, since I wrote this! How did it even get inside?!