Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Peace Out, Long Hair

I did it again.  That’s right; I cut my long hair off.  Quite frankly, I enjoy letting my hair get really long.  It’s fun, beautiful, and not seen very often.  I cut 15 inches off today and sent it to Locks of Love.   I love knowing that when I do get it cut that it will go to making a wig or hair piece for a child in need due to certain illnesses. 

But…….It. Is. A. Pain to have long hair.  I’m not joking either.  Currently, I am dancing in joy over having short hair again as I am now free!  Free to take showers in the mornings before work instead of late at night.  No more sleeping with long wet hair tied back and panicking in the mornings before work over whether or not I'll have time to finish drying it and make it to work on time.  I can now shower and practically just shake my head and BAM!  Dry!   

A small part of me is whispering its sorrow over the loss of that long hair.  It’ll grow back though.  I figure, God gave me this gift of nice hair so I should give it to His children in need as a gift.  

If you’re interested in donating your hair to Locks of Love, just visit their website.  I placed a link below this blog entry.  I highly recommend it.  Until next time!

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