Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hey, Blog, remember me?  I'm that human-being who ditched you about a year ago.

Yes, I'm back!  I have a new ditch-ee: Facebook.  Yup, I'm done with that place.  It will still have me in a way, but as far as posting and browsing goes, I'm done.  Finished.  Au Revoir!

Reasons I'm leaving the famous social network? There are quite a few.  The main one being that I am done with how petty nearly every status is on Facebook.  I have enough going on without it adding to my already chaotic life.  On top of that, it just shares too much.  I mean, the WORLD can see and read things about you.  Yeah, if I wanted that, I'd just broadcast it on the news.

So yeah, if I'm your friend on Facebook, just know that you won't see or hear much from me on there anymore.  Need me for something?  Send me an email or text.  Better yet, give me a phone call.  I'd love to chat!

Until later!

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