In this pic its swollen all the way to the middle of her belly. Her milk vein is even more pronounced now.
Same as the last only now you can see her udder. Poor baby. She didn't feel good.
Basically, its a swelling or abscess thanks to a bacteria infection called Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. It usually occurs in the chest region of a horse and rarely any where else. Well, considering the fact that my animals LOVE to catch the rarest things it's not surprising that she went and got it in her mammary glands. M said that this morning it swelled to the middle of her belly and burst. Yummy.
Ah well. She'll be better in a few days.
So last night my room mate and myself went to rent a horror movie. Yeah...I let her choose and the one we watched was called Asylum. It was SO morbid and scary! We were originally going to watch Sweeney Todd but she wanted to watch something else. I wish we hadn't of watched Asylum. It was gross. Whoever made that movie just wanted to so they could have a gore fest. Eh. Never. Again.
Anyways, we went to Walgreen's to get junk food for this movie and they were selling Popcorn Balls for 50 cents. It was in an orange wrapper with a spider on it so you couldn't see what it looked like. I had to get one and I did. Leading back to curiosity costs 50 cents. LOL!
~Fruit Bat~