Monday, November 17, 2008

Eventful Weekend

This weekend my family came up here to see me, and they brought Toboe-chan! I was extremely happy that they came because I was missing home.

Anyways, they came Friday night, so after Vulpecula and I finished watching a movie I headed over to my Granny and Papa's. By the way, Vul knows random facts about death. I discovered this during our movie when I inquired as to why a man fired his gun when he was killed. I wasn't really expecting an answer because I didn't think that Vul knew about things like that. Well, she does.

"It's a death reflex," she told me.

That creeped me out. I was totally NOT expecting that from her. She thought it was pretty amusing that I was so weirded out by that. LOL! I love you Vul!!!
Back to my family now. So Saturday morning I was allowed to take Toby to the river. He loved everything about it! Except the geese. He was sort of scared of the noise they made. The ducks didn't bother him though. Silly pup.

After that I went to eat with my family, then I went for a walk on campus with Vulpecula and Toby. Poor squirrels. I let Toboe-chan chase and terrify them. Heh.
Later, we hung out and had a birthday party for my Papa which Vulpecula was invited to. We gorged ourselves on sandwiches, chips, chocolate cake, chocolate pretzels, and hot chocolate. YUMMY!!!! xD Before the party, Vulpecula and myself ended up giving Toby a bath. She was quite surprised at how well behaved he was during the bath, and even after. LOL! He may not like having a bath but he DOES like to please me, so therefore, he endures it. I love my puppy! :D

Sunday, I finally got the nerve up to go ask the people across the street from my Granny and Papa's house if I could brush their dog. She has mats and what not because they never brush her. Long-haired dog + not getting brushed + burrs = major mats. They let me brush her and I quickly found out why they never took the time to; she won't hold still. She jumps, claws, and runs circles around you. Understandable, but they could take her to a dog groomer or something. They actually asked me if I would help them trim her nails sometime, and I told them I would. YAY! I'm going to help them train her too. That way she'll hopefully be more manageable.

Sunday, my family and me went to church, ate lunch, and then rearranged my Granny and Papa's house. Sadly, at 3pm they left. *sigh* I wanted to go with them. Oh well, Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and then I'll be able to go home for five days! I can't wait!!! We get out next Wednesday! Yippy!!!! :D

Okay, on with the rest of my Sunday. Let's see, Sunday night (last night) Vul and me went to this gathering for the Chi-Alpha, a Christian organization at our college. They were serving pancakes and had the football game on a HUGE screen. It was great! We didn't stay for the game though, we went back to her dorm and watched a movie. We went for the pancakes. What can I say? LOL!

This was probably the most active weekend I've had here so far.

P.S. Sorry, no pictures of my family, friend, or myself. What we look like is not the whole world's business.


Silvertongue said...

Sounds like tons of fun. I want to come and see your campus someday...maybe when i have a working car...

When does your semester end anyway?

Fruit Bat said...

December 12. Then I come home. I might hopefully be able to come home sooner. LOL!

Vulpecula said...

Thanks again for having me at the party- cake, yum!