Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Post? By Fruit Bat? REALLY?!

Vul pointed out yesterday that I haven't posted on here in a while. It's true and I'm sorry. I get side-tracked when at home. I find more interesting things to do than sit at the computer. LOL! XD

Basically we have started school again. I like most of my classes they're quite decent so no complaints. I think this semester will be much more easy going as opposed to last semester. I was almost late to my fitness class today. I have 10mins to get to it after my Literature class, and it's all the way at the Junelle center. That's on the other side of campus for those who don't know. Lucky for me I brought my bike with me so I made it, out of breath, and with one minute to spare. My teacher didn't care though. She understood. Thank You God for that! I am still roommateless but that's fine by me. More room to myself!

On a side note, over the break I spent a lot of my time catching one of the cats from my feral cat colony so that she could get spayed, and get all her shots. Here's a pick of her. Shi wanted me to name her Alpha but it didn't suit because she isn't anywhere near being the alpha of the colony so I named her IceShadow. I actually just chose that name yesterday thanks to Vul looking up names on the Warriors website. Thanks Vul!!! Now I just need a name for their colony...hmmmmm....

OH!!! Here's Chi-San, my tail-less betta fish!!!

I have joined WolfHome again for those who care. I'm known as Edgar and several of my friends are now on it. We all joined so that we can talk with one another and keep in touch since we're all in different colleges or still in high school. If you wish to join we meet at 9pm usually. Just look for a chat room with the names Edgar, Allan, AllanPoe, Revenge, Master-of-the-Night, Ryukhasreturned, and Bluffflame. That's us! I'm also known as Icepelt (thanks again Vul) and several of my friends also have other accounts with different names but I think I mentioned all of them already. Feel free to join our pack! :D

I haven't really updated on Dakota in a while either. He was doing great when I left. As far as I know he still is. He is using his leg a lot more and he's gained all his weight back. He was a pretty big handful until he started learning the rules. He still mouths occasionally but he's learning that it's not acceptable. He's a really nice dog! I love him!!!


Magic said...

Good to know your classes are good so far.

Deco!! *pets puppy*

Since school has just started up again...When is your next extended break?

Vulpecula said...

Yay! I'm not alone anymore! I wish my computer would let me on wolfhome... (pouts)

Fruit Bat said...

Spring break...sometime in March. I think its the 14th...maybe. *looks at binder across from her* Nah, too much effort to get up.

I'm sorry Vul.

Magic said...

14th sounds right, it always encompasses White Day...

Fruit Bat said...

Yesh! White Day!!! I LOVE WHITE DAY!!! ...even though we never really do anything on it. We should have a party. XD