Saturday, February 28, 2009


Hah! No evil temperature/fever can last for long against my immune system! A nap yesterday, a long night's sleep, and I'm back to 98.6!
Of course, it helps that my mom called and told me what to do- I've never been sick on my own before, luckily this one was fairly easy to handle.
I love you mom! And I loved the E-card you sent me!
My throat is still a little scratchy and I've got a little cough every now and again- but I figure its just allergies. I'll take the cough over the temperature.
If you should happen to like the picture, here's the link to it.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Well, that little cough I was talking about yesterday seems to have ushered in something else. I woke up this morning tired and achy and felt downright miserable through my classes, until I decided that I just wanted to go back to bed. This is unusual enough for me that I decided to check my temperature, 101.2. I don't know if that's considered running a temperature or running a fever, but it looks like I'll spend this weekend sleeping.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Well, one thing is definitely different about this town- at home around this time of year, I would be stricken with drainage and a alternately stuffy and runny nose. Here, such is not the case- but I have developed a cough, which I am rather pleased about. I'll take coughing over drainage any day.
The main purpose of this post is to show off this picture, Beauty and Beast by sketchy of DeviantART. Unfortunately, the original (uncolored) version has been removed from DeviantART, probably because the artist never finished it.
It took me a long time to color this, and I never would have even attempted it without my new best friend,
The girl in the center is Kid, from the game Chrono Cross, the woman to the right in the white dress is... let's call her Kid's mother, Schcala Zeal, the glasses belonged to Kid's guardian, Lucca, who died in the fire that you can (sort of) see behind Kid. The pouch-thing is the Astral Amulet (sans logo, even I'm not that dedicated, it wasn't drawn there, so I didn't color it.) The red/orange fire wolf/fox/beast is a highly stylized version of Lavos, or the Timedevourer, the malignant alien prescence within the earth that was supposed to cause an end to life on the planet.
Lavos was tricky to color- in Chrono Cross the Time Devourer (which is NOT the same thing as Lavos but is close enough for my purposes) was the color of fire, with a blackened belly such as you would see when you pull a charred log from the flames and part of it are still glowing cherry-red.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Things I've Learned The Past Few Weeks

Think before saying something sarcastic. It can get you into trouble.

You can apply the concept of surface area to volume ratio to anime! *chuckles*

Riding your bike against the wind takes longer than walking.

People in war tend to be drunk. *ROFL*

Don’t try spinning over ground with pit holes. You can twist your ankle.

Riding your bike and looking up is NOT a good idea.

Lollipops are illegal in Washington.

When walking by a group of people smoking, clutch your lungs and put your hand over your mouth and nose while saying, “Must…not…inhale… cancer…eating away… my…insides…!” This will reward you with nasty looks and the highlight of your day!

Washing your truck in San Angelo should be a state competition of who-can-dry-their-vehicle-the-quickest-before-dust-and-grime-cling-to-it.

Doing cartwheels on asphalt is dangerous.

Ducking behind a bed to hide from overly happy preps armed with make-up attracts odd looks, but works!

Being almost anemic isn't fun.

Monday, February 23, 2009

things aren't always as they seem

It's true. They aren't. This is just a short post to showcase the latest picture I've colored, and to mention something I found funny.
I found myself in need of a book to read, and Fruit Bat let me borrow one of hers (which she had not yet read), it's called A Wolf Story by James Byron Huggins, its a christian novel, and I found myself interested. I opened it to begin reading and discovered that it was about... hares.
Think rabbits, but wild and capable of defending themselves reasonably. The first five chapters are about hares. Lol.
After that I think we get into some wolves, but I'm not quite there yet. I just found it infinitely amusing to hear the hares talk about battles that they'd been in, and how they were going to fight. Thus, I am loathe to call them rabbits.... but seriously. Hares?
The picture is of the Kingdom Hearts character Axel as a lion (Axel Lion by hibbary, DeviantART)- I colored it last week, but forgot to post it....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Song of the Wanderer

I have a paper I should be writing right now... but Fruit Bat and I are going home tomorrow, and I've got some pretty strange stuff on the brain.
Well, not so strange. I've recently drawn a picture you see, of a girl, and a unicorn, so I'm thinking of other girls, other unicorns, and wandering. There's a book by Bruce Coville, part of the Unicorn Chronicles, called Song of the Wanderer. In this book there is a song that is sung by different characters, the wandering song... I memorized it when I was younger, just because I thought it was beautiful. So, as a pre-trip homage to a book of my childhood, The Song of the Wanderer.

Across the gently rolling hills

Beyond high mountain peaks
Along the shores of distant seas
There's something my heart seeks

But there's no peace in wandering

The road's not made for rest
And footsore fools will never know

What home might suit them best

My heart seeks the hearth

My feet seek the road

A soul so divided
Is a terrible load
My heart longs to rest

My feet yearn to roam
Shall I wander the world
or stay safe at home?

But oh, the things that I have seen

The secret paths I've trod

The hidden corners of the the world

Known to none but me and God

Yes the world was meant for knowing

And feet were meant to roam

But one who's always going

Will never find a home

My heart seeks the hearth
My feet seek the road

A soul so divided Is a terrible load
My heart longs to rest

My feet yearn to roam

Shall I wander the world
or stay safe at home?

Oh where's the thread that binds me?

The voice that calls me back?

Where's the love that finds me?

And what's the root I lack?

(Art by akreon of DeviantART- you can go buy the print)

Monday, February 16, 2009


I'm very sad right now. I just got a phone call from my mom. She can't take Dakota's antics and behavior anymore. She wants to get rid of him. I can understand. I left him there and they have to deal with him. I wouldn't have done so. Not if I had my own place...but I don't. I'm absolutely helpless at the moment. He apparently took her lunch box and several food items off the counter while she was at work and ripped/ate them. He then jumped on my bed and chewed off the corner to the crate that my mom put up there to KEEP him off the bed. She was REALLY angry.*sigh*
I contacted the Austin German Shepherd Rescue Organization via email. Hopefully they'll respond. I refuse to send him to an animal shelter. He still needs physical therapy and I don't want him going to just anyone. I don't want him back out on the streets. If this organization accepts him they'll find him a nice home. The problem is I don't know if they will. He's only part German Shepherd. I'll know in a few days.

I feel like crying...

And now again

I've found myself
So far down, away from the sun

That shines into the darkest place
I'm so far down, away from the sun
That shines to light the way for me

To find my way back into the arms
That care about the ones like me
I'm so far down, away from the sun again...
~3 Doors Down "Away From The Sun"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Elements and Toast

I like my hair okay. I mean, it's not special in any way shape or form, but it's mine, so I like it. The reason that I bring this up is because I believe that the wind is in love with hair. Over here in we've had QUITE strong winds for the past couple of days (strong as in I-can't-ride-my-bicycle-in-a-straight-line-and-I-think-it-might-be-faster-to-walk) and consequently, no matter how carefully hair is brushed or restricted in the morning- it's everywhere by the time you get to class. Anyway... my sprouts seem to be doing okay- the day after the first one popped up the second one sprouted, since the second was further from the light, it's bent all out of shape to get to it. If I leave them in the same pot, I know that one will kill the other. There just isn't room for both of them. (to all plant lovers, I apologize, but I was so sure that one of the seeds wouldn't sprout that I planted two.) If it comes down to that, I actually think the bent sprout will live, because it's the one that's trying harder for the light. And on a completely random end note (as though the whole post hasn't been random...) French Toast- have you had it? I thought I had, I thought I didn't like it. Turns out that I haven't. What I thought was French Toast was actually Dutch Toast. Which I didn't even know existed. But probably should have guessed. (One of the few countries that my family can actually trace our ancestors back to is Holland). Dutch toast is made by dipping bread in pancake batter and frying it in oil. It is served with butter and syrup or powdered sugar. French toast is made from dipping bread in a milk/egg mixture that is grilled and served with the same. Fruit Bat's family puts sugar and cinnamon in the mixture. ........ why is everything so complicated?

Friday, February 6, 2009


Cower before the cutenessss!!!!!!!!
This lovely picture was drawn by candypalmer on DeviantART and called Kenshin Neko, I believe. As always, I colored it. This one was just for fun, it was small, and easy, and just too cute to leave alone!!!
It also reminds me of something Fruit Bat and I never mentioned, the cats that live by the water tower.
Around december we noticed one cat, very interesting colors (in my humble opinion.) mottled dark, hanging around the watertower behind the fence. Shortly after this, we noticed that she had kittens!
This interestingly-colored cat has been dubbed "Mama"- even though she deserves a better name. My fault really, I just kept on calling her that and now I can't stop. She has three beautiful kittens- though they're mostly grown by now.
There's a cream one, a orange one and a gray one. The cream and orange are slightly striped, but the gray is solid.
We've been calling the cream one (who we think is a girl) Solstice, the gray one (who we think is a boy) Midnight, and the orange one (who we also think is a boy) got his name last, Sol... or is it Saul? We never really specified....
Anyway, behold the awesomeness of kenshin and battousai in kitten form. and don't pet battousai- he will claw off your face- search your feelings, you know this to be true.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Yes, reining, not raining, but reining. Spelled as in horse reins. Sunday Vulpecula and I went to the horse show that San Angelo is hosting. We watched about ten horses and their riders perform a reining pattern. I'm not sure which pattern it was but I was VERY excited and happy to have been around horses for a bit. In reining, a horse and rider perform one of around eight different patterns. In these patterns the horse and rider are required to perform circles at different speeds (canter, gallop usually), then around four fore-quarters, sliding stops, and a few roll-backs. If you don't know what I'm talking about then just go take a look at this video. If you don't care then fine, I dont' care either. You don't have to like knowing about horses.

We didn't stay for the entire show because they were only doing reining patterns, and the announcer said something like 59 horses were going to be performing. We got up and left pretty soon after that.

I might go over there tomorrow to see if they're still performing. It's free so why not? LOL! XD

My Papa wasn't feeling very well on Sunday either. I found out that he hadn't been feeling well for about three weeks. We all thought that he just had a cold or something but he didn't. My Granny took him down to the emergency room yesterday and they found out that he has a stomach ulcer. My family and I were all thankful that it wasn't something worse. I'm going to take my Aloe Vera juice over to him tomorrow. In case you didn't know Aloe Vera juice is shown to help alleviate and sometimes eliminate stomach ulcers. I use it for my IBS symptoms because it helps your stomach and digestive tract. Not only that but it's good for your hair and skin. Go take a look at your lotion or shampoo, it's probably in there.

Yesterday I had my walking fitness class. Now our teacher let's us do whatever we want in that class. You HAVE to walk but you can jog, run up and down the football bleachers, do crunches, etc. Well, I decided that I was going to walk a lap then do bleachers. I went up and down them skipping every other step to get a really good work out. I kept going even when my legs were burning and I felt woozy. I shouldn't have done that because today I woke up, hopped out of my bed, and nearly fell flat on the ground. My Tibialis anterior muscles hurt like crud now (for those who don't know that's the muscles attached to the back of your tibia). Man it was so pathetic! Whenever I tried going down any stairs today I had to hold on to the rail really tight to keep from falling. Vul thought it was funny! It actually is. I haven't had these muscles sore since middle school. I feel like a weakling now. I have that class tomorrow and I'm going to do the bleachers again. It's the only way I'm going to get the soreness to work itself out.
I would also like to mention that Vul and I joined the Chi Alpha Christian group here. It's pretty cool. We have yet to go and find a Bible study that we can attend.
Anywho, here's our shirts! Freakin' awesome if I do say so myself!I'm also an anime club member here. I'm mentioning this because last Friday, when they went to play this one anime called Shuffle, it some how was switched to English. As soon as the girl started to speak in English there was this epic scream of "AHHHH!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! Turn it off!!!" It was hilarious! We all freaked and demanded for it to be put in Japanese. LOL!

Anywho, for anyone who cares Vul and I are coming home this weekend!!! YAYS!!!! *dances happily* I can't wait but I must.

Monday, February 2, 2009

growth! and other things

Well, interesting things today. Two at least. The first being something that actually happened Saturday, and today.
Yes, I'm writing in an unusually cryptic and brief style. Deal with it.
On Saturday the Fruit Bat and I bought some clothes (just a jacket thing- it was cute and on sale) the lady rung them up, we paid, put on the jackets and then we went to Wal-mart to pick up some batteries.
On the way into the store, the little thief-detector alarm whatsist went off. No biggie- there was someone exiting as we entered so we didn't much care.
Then it went off again as we left. The worker checked our reciept and purchase (yes, they matched.) and waved us on. While I was curious as to why this happened, I disregarded it as unimportant.

Today I decided to wear the jacket and found that honking big plastic doomahickey still attached. So I was walking around yesterday with that on my back...
Fortunately for me, it was the kind with a microchip and not ink inside- so it didn't 'splode when I got it off. It annoys me though- I could have been stopped for shoplifting something that I paid for, just because the salesclerk was so busy upselling FruitBat that she forgot to remove the tag!
The second thing is much happier- I have a sprout! It wasn't there this morning, but I checked just a minute ago, and there is a little green delicate wonder poking its head up out of the soil! (Cries tears of joy!)
Now I just have to keep it alive, the dear little thing... (goes to talk to plant)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Well, the week seemed fairly eventful before I sat down to write about it! Fruit Bat was forced to move, as anyone who follows this blog knows. I managed to drag my butt over to church this morning- everyone was very friendly there (they gave me bread!)- but there aren't many college-age people there. Also, about a month ago I guess, I succumbed to a persistent desire to try and grow something, namely those little valentine plants. Sadly, a month later, I still have a small pot of dirt and no strawberries. So I got over my head and wound up buying a pot, dirt, a trowel for scooping the dirt, and some seeds. I'll let you know if anything ever grows. I planted balsam, which I had never heard of before- but at least I have more seeds if anything goes wrong with this batch. The main reason its been a while since I posted is that I was determined to finish this picture before I posted again. I won't even say how long it took me. It's called GIRL with WOLF by an artist called Wieringo on DeviantArt. Once again, I just colored it. In his description of the piece at the bottom, he said that he wanted it to be "ominous"... I always wound up with the impression that the girl was sort of telling the viewer to back off- that she could deal with it. Unlike previous pictures I've colored I used a program called paint.NET, What's great is that it's free and is much better than microsoft paint. Not as good as photoshop, but if you aren't wanting to pay a lot of money for good results... it's perfect for me. Yay poor broke college kids. Like I said, it's free to download.