Friday, January 30, 2009

Really?! BAKAS!!!!

I AM SO ANGRY!!!! SO MAD!!! SO PEEVED!!! SO VINDICTIVE!!! SO INDIGNANT!!!! Why? Well, let's see my suite mate and I are being forced out of our dorm. Yes. We have to leave our dorm and move in with two other people. Apparently you can't have less than three people in an apartment on campus setting. It's like illegal or something. I mean really? I just set my dorm up how I wanted it, all nice and homey, comfy, and beautiful. Not only that but it's not fair that my suite mate and I are being kicked out of our dorm. We've been here since last semester. My suite mate has been here for two years! Why don't they make the other two girls move their crap?! Why not just get one more person to join our apartment setting?! Really?! Is it that hard?! UGH!!!

Vul came over and helped me pack up most of my things (thank you SO MUCH Vulpecula). I didn't realize how much stuff I'd brought with me. I'd take a picture and show you but I can't find my camera. I can't find my camera because I had to pack every freakin' little piece of scrap paper up, lent, and dust molecule up. Now it's lost amongst all my junk.

*scowls at pile of junk*

"You're not really junk, I'm just angry."

I'm just so very upset right now and displeased with the entire situation. I have to move all my things into the other dorm tomorrow. My mom is coming down to help. She's upset too.


Well, I'm off to bed finally. Night.

*thinks to self*

"This is my last night in my dorm...."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sephiroth and Big Mistakes

I opened it. Yes, that. I didn't think I ever would but I did. I was forced into opening it. I made several huge mistakes. It HAD to be opened. I have my reasons. Wondering what 'it' is yet? Should I tell them Chi? Sephiroth? Shi might know what I'm talking about, that is if she ever got on here.

An eraser.

Yep, that's what 'it' is. A HUMONGONORMOUS eraser. My math homework demanded the use of it. I wouldn't have been forced into using it if my teacher hadn't been so picky on how you must set up your homework.

1. You can only use one side of the paper. Leave the other side blank.

2. You can only have one column on each paper.

3. You MUST leave a space between each problem.

Want to know what I did wrong that required an eraser of the HUMONGONORMOUS size? All three of them. Yes, I was angry. Yes, I could have used new paper. No, I didn't want to waste the paper.

There you have it. I present to you the HUMONGONORMOUS purple eraser, "For Big Mistakes!" Everyone clap please. Cheer if you wish.

On a side note I now have two betta fish; Chi and Sephiroth. You've already met Chi in my last post. I got Sephiroth yesterday after my previous number two betta died. Number two betta I bought because I knew that he was sick. I wanted to save him but sadly I couldn't. Therefore, I took him back and got Sephiroth.

Sephiroth is all white. Yes, all white. Vul and I have never seen a solid white male betta fish before so I got him. Not just because of him being white, but do to the fact that when I picked him up he went nuts-0, and tried to attack us through the cup.

Vul mentioned the name Sephiroth when I joked about naming him Cloud. His crazy behavior and desire to attack us through the cup made me consider the name. Thus he became Sephiroth. For those who do not know the significance of the name Sephiroth, he's only the coolest, most evilest villain in a video game called Final Fantasy VII. He's pretty too! *hugs Sephiroth then is killed by him*

On our way back to the college Vul held him while I drove. We were at a red light, I looked over at Vul, and said:

Me: "He's pretty...!"

Vulpecula: "Yeah, pretty hostile."

Me: *laughs*

*light turns green, i step on accelerator, and look down at Sephiroth*

Vulpecula: "Eyes on the road please!"

Me: *laughs*

Sephiroth concerns me a bit. He actually turns his whole body towards you when you sit down at the desk, and stares at you! It's creepy because his eyes follow you! Not his whole body, just his eyes. You can actually see them move as he follows your movements. I put a pencil up to his tank and he followed it around. Chi followed the pencil as well so I guess that parts not too weird. The staring and eye following is though. LOL! XD

Anyways, I love my two fish! :D

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Post? By Fruit Bat? REALLY?!

Vul pointed out yesterday that I haven't posted on here in a while. It's true and I'm sorry. I get side-tracked when at home. I find more interesting things to do than sit at the computer. LOL! XD

Basically we have started school again. I like most of my classes they're quite decent so no complaints. I think this semester will be much more easy going as opposed to last semester. I was almost late to my fitness class today. I have 10mins to get to it after my Literature class, and it's all the way at the Junelle center. That's on the other side of campus for those who don't know. Lucky for me I brought my bike with me so I made it, out of breath, and with one minute to spare. My teacher didn't care though. She understood. Thank You God for that! I am still roommateless but that's fine by me. More room to myself!

On a side note, over the break I spent a lot of my time catching one of the cats from my feral cat colony so that she could get spayed, and get all her shots. Here's a pick of her. Shi wanted me to name her Alpha but it didn't suit because she isn't anywhere near being the alpha of the colony so I named her IceShadow. I actually just chose that name yesterday thanks to Vul looking up names on the Warriors website. Thanks Vul!!! Now I just need a name for their colony...hmmmmm....

OH!!! Here's Chi-San, my tail-less betta fish!!!

I have joined WolfHome again for those who care. I'm known as Edgar and several of my friends are now on it. We all joined so that we can talk with one another and keep in touch since we're all in different colleges or still in high school. If you wish to join we meet at 9pm usually. Just look for a chat room with the names Edgar, Allan, AllanPoe, Revenge, Master-of-the-Night, Ryukhasreturned, and Bluffflame. That's us! I'm also known as Icepelt (thanks again Vul) and several of my friends also have other accounts with different names but I think I mentioned all of them already. Feel free to join our pack! :D

I haven't really updated on Dakota in a while either. He was doing great when I left. As far as I know he still is. He is using his leg a lot more and he's gained all his weight back. He was a pretty big handful until he started learning the rules. He still mouths occasionally but he's learning that it's not acceptable. He's a really nice dog! I love him!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Day Frivolities

I've never had an especially keen sense of direction- especially for places I've never been before. Regardless of this, I wasn't too worried about finding class this morning- I was there an hour early after all, plenty of time to scout out the classroom, run to the library for quick reading, and to get to class on time. I knew the building, and had the room number, how hard could it be?
Thirty minutes later, after asking students for directions I asked a professor. The (very nice) professor didn't know where it was either, and led me on a brisk walk around the building before she asked someone who knew where it was.
As it turns out, the class is in an (unnumbered) Band Hall... but it's not really a music class... Very strange.
On a less rambling note, it has been discovered that the Fruit Bat and I share a Biology class! I'm not sure Flying Foxes and Foxes should really be in the same class (wink wink, nudge nudge) but we are. I still have one more class today, but about an hour before it starts.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Climbing Back in the Saddle

Well, we're back at college now- Fruit Bat and I left our respective homes yesterday after lunch, and arrived back on campus before dinner. The next few hours were spent getting our rooms to look semi-functional.
Fruit Bat brought up an interesting point- since we've been home, this time around we both tried to make our rooms look more "homey"- for instance, I've put up pictures on the wall and bought a little candle. Fruit Bat had a candle first- which gave me the idea. She hasn't been assigned a new roomate yet.

When we could finally call our rooms presentable we went shopping, Fruit Bat needed a new fish since Hikari Toya died, and has one- he's missing a tail. This is unsuprising since the store where we got him also had two male betta's in the same cup.
Not a good idea, really.
I simply needed a few items I forgot at home, and some tape- because Jareth fell down- AGAIN! By this time it was quite late and I was quite hungry, so we bought some pizza and chips and had a movie night.

That's all for now... School starts on Tuesday.

Monday, January 12, 2009

the end... continued? What the heck?

I know that nobody asked me, but hey, nobody asked me before, right? Since I had all these lovely wolves, I figured that I should make them into a wallpaper! The background is a stock photo from Deviant ART, the wolves belong to Kay Fedewa, but were recolored by me, as the Kenshin pack. Kenshin doesn't belong to me either... To see who everyone is, either look at previous posts, or bask in your own knowledge of already understanding who they are. No skin off my nose. It's been a great break, but the fruit bat and I are being summoned back to active learning- the dreaded halls of schoool.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Seventh Day... the end

The seventh day of the seven days of the wolves. Hate to spoil the song for anyone, but the band that wrote it wasn't actually talking about wolves, they were talking about death- like the seven riders of the apocalypse. So on the seventh day, there are two wolves.
First wolf is Kenshin, the title character of the series, a generally sweet-natured guy, formerly an assassin, and now trying to atone by refusing to kill anyone and helping people.

For his canine form I chose a red wolf- I'm aware that actual red wolves aren't THAT red- but again, I'm warping reality. He's
going to be really short for a wolf, and will often be mistaken for a dog- in the series, he was usually mistaken for a girl but somehow, I don't think that dogs make that mistake. Like Aoshi from the first day, he has a few scars, souvenirs of past fights.
And for the "death" wolf... which gets weirder the longer I think about it... Battousai. Also known as Kenshin. Battousai is sort of a split personality from Kenshin, and was the one that was in control during the war and was more than willing to kill those who crossed him. During the course of the show, when Kenshin gets very angry or those he cares about *coughKaorucough* are in mortal peril, the Battousai persona comes to the forefront, signaled by a switch in eye color to yellow (though in the Jineh episode we saw red) and the use of the word "I" when refering to himself. (Kenshin's other personality, nicknamed Rurouni, uses either "this one" or "sessha" which translates to "this unworthy one").
The Battousai wolf just looks cool to me- he's probably one of my favorites, and I'm sorry to say that he looks cooler than Kenshin. -_-;
As always, the drawings belong to Kay Fedewa, I just recolored them.
Well, here's the end of the the seven days, about a month later. Now what will I do with my free time?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sixth Day

Welcome to the sixth day, brought to you with far less delay! Yes, I am a dork. The sixth day is Kamiya Kaoru, the female lead of the show. Kaoru works as the assistant master at the dojo started by her father- in actuality, she's the only one still there. When she first confronts a stranger in town, then invites him to stay at her dojo, the story begins. Kaoru is headstrong and tough, an able fighter in her own right- though she is somewhat lacking in "proper" skills such as cooking, remaining calm and looking elegant. Megumi never fails to remind her of this, often causing explosive arguements. Kaoru is very much in love with Kenshin, and is very open-minded and forgiving.
Choosing a canine for Kaoru was easier than I thought it'd be. In the manga/anime, she is given the nickname of tanuki or raccoon-dog, which is an actual animal! I was so suprised, but was delighted to have the quandary taken out of my hands. In real life tanuki's don't look quite the way I made Kaoru, they aren't as big for one thing- but since I'm altering reality anyway I don't think it matters. As always, the original art belongs to Kay Fedewa, and Kenshin doesn't belong to me either.