Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Deliciously Evil

I blame my speech class!
We've been told to give speechs that should persuade- thus I speak on VIDEO GAMES. Thus, I want to play Video Games- and as I cannot, I look at pictures/vids and whine.
And Rant, as it happens. Lucky you folks! You get to hear it!
Vulpecula's Villain Rundown.
Sephiroth- Final Fantasy VII
FACT- The one villain that makes me want to run screaming from a room when I have to fight him. Sephiroth is the villain that other villains are afraid of. He's such a fascinating character... it's like watching an exquisitely beautiful creature as it's stalking you... preparing to rip out your throat... but you can't look away!

I always feel ridiculously proud of myself when I beat him. In the Kingdom Hearts series, if I start feeling cocky, I go and fight him. My record is two minutes before he killed me.

Ramirez- Skies of Arcadia

I wish this kid had never been a villain. He really shouldn't have been- his mentor just happened to be crazy. I don't care if he's cold-hearted, shot at lifeboats or burned a city to the ground, I KNOW he's a sweetie underneath it all!

Albedo- Xenosaga

He's. Freaking. INSANE. I actually get mad when he talks. Albedo is like a rabid dog, chuckling on the foam coming out of his mouth. You really just want to shoot him and get it over with.

Lynx- Chrono Cross
I really don't care about his backstory- I simply hate his guts. If I get into his backstory, I start thinking about all these different things about how he might have been helping me out- and then I remember that demented smile as he stabbed my favorite character, and I realize that Harle was right. Lynx believes he is Fate, and Fate just destroys the things that get in it's way.

Pope Zera- Grandia II
Talk about unexpected! The kindly old man who sends you on your quest is all crazy and destructive! Seriously, try to guess from the first conversation you have with him that something is up. Not possible. Zera holds a special place of loathing in my heart, his job was to give the people hope and teach them about their god, instead, he submits to despair and tries to destroy the world. Nice. Real nice.

Kuja- Final Fantasy IX
He's a crossdresser. Kuja is a vain, irritating jerk, who tried to kill his baby brother by pushing him out of an aircraft. Strangely, I was still upset when he died... though that's probably due to Zidane's unbelievably understanding nature. And the fact that he did save my characters.

Emilious- Grandia III

*GAGS*- This game's characters were somewhat nauseating, but Emiloius just made it worse. He sounded like some cheesy villian from a Sailor Moon episode- seriously. He made a point of saying things like, "Love is weak," "I will cover the world in Darkness..." And then he goes and changes his mind because of his baby sister Alfina- who looks susupicously like Sailor Moon, and gets himself killed trying to stop the just-as-annoying-Xorn.

Ansem- Kingdom Hearts

"Ansem" was fun to fight- it was challenging, his character design was pretty cool, so was his voice. I was happy that he annoyed me to the point where I felt incredibly vindicated at seeing him disappear. I mean, he posessed Riku, created the Heartless, and he kept calling Sora stupid. No one is allowed to call my characters stupid but me.

I Will Prevail


Yep, I'm sick. I knew it was going to happen. You want to know how I knew? It's because Halloween is this weekend therefore, my body feels the need to spoil all my fun. Not to mention everybody and their dog is catching the flu over here. I've only had the flu once if I remember correctly, and I can't tell the difference usually. Needless to say I'm still going home for the week-end. I don't care if I'm throwing up my stomach and liver. I. Am. Going. Trick-or-treating. With. My. Friends. And. Watching. Horror. Movies.

It's just a cold. At least I hope it is. All I have is a small cough, a stuffy nose, and I'm sleepy. That had better be the extent of it. I'm going to make sure that I eat healthy foods! That way I can hopefully get better or at the very least not worse.

"I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,And each road leads you where you want to go,And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,I hope you choose the one that means the most to you." ~Rascal Flatts 'My Wish'

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tis' Homework Time

Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I am posting again!!! JA!!! :D

I just got back from the store. I HAD to go buy some water because San Angelo water makes me sick. Not to mention it's just plain nasty. I only drink it if that's all there's is, and I am too lazy to go to the store. I was very pleased to find gallon jugs for only 64 cents so I bought three of them. YAY!

I also got some organic cheese raviolis. They are so freakin' good! So are the chocolate animal crackers I bought.

So last night I was up until 1am working on this research paper that I had to do. My teacher wanted at least five pages completed by today...or so I thought. Apparently it isn't due until Thursday. Ah well, it's done and I don't have to worry about it at all. Though I am slightly annoyed that I stayed up that late and stressed over it.

Why the pictures? Ha! I watched the first few episodes of Avatar again and I was amazed at how the characters acted compared to now. It amused me. Now I'm in the process of watching all the episodes of Avatar again. Plus the few that I haven't yet seen.


Now I should attempt to finish my math homework before Vul and me go on our nightly ramble.

*stares at math book*

Why can't you do yourself?

Love Thy Blog

According to Magic my poor Fruit Bat blog hasn't been getting much love lately, therefore I am going to update on it everyday this week!!!! Don't believe me? Ha! You just wait and see. I might update twice a day!

Basically, I'm bored and I don't have too much to do this week aside from a research paper. It should be easy to update this blog several times.

For those of you that didn't know my birthday was Friday. Yep. I got to go home and invite my people's over for a small birthday party in which we gorged on fruit, ice cream, cake, and pizza. Especially the fruit. We went to the store specifically to buy some fruit and left with an apple, grapes, an Asian pear, vanilla ice cream, pumpkin ice cream, two chocolate bars, and chocolate syrup. Sad really.

We stayed up watching horror movies til' four in the morning. Let me rephrase that, only three of us stayed up til' four; Snicker Doodle, Luke, and myself. Magic and Ella went to bed early. Eh...I wished I had when morning came. Ah well. It was fun.

Saturday Magic and I went for a walk with Toboe-chan, Skippie, and Tippie and I managed to lose my garage door opener. This resulted in me having to break into the house so that we could leave the dogs and go look for it. Luckily, we found it back in the creek.

Later that day, after everyone went home, I went out to see Ariel who is completely and totally better thanks to M. I rode her for about ten minutes and my butt and legs are so sore now. All I did was walk and trot on her too! I suppose it's to be expected seeing in how I hadn't ridden in about two months. My muscles freaked.

The weekend was fun and I wish it hadn't ended.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

...Could you repeat that?

Just a short post today for all my nonexistant readers- and the existant ones as well, I suppose.

Yesterday I went to a gathering of English Majors, and in traditional Bookworm fashion, we were instructed to stand up and recite our name, classification and favorite book/author/poem/poet. You could see the fear and confusion in the air- we had to CHOOSE?

I personally was suprised by my peer's selections- most of them seemed to be the old classics- I like some of the old classics, but for recreation, I prefer something new, usually with magic involved. But, moving on, the group came to a girl who told us all, flatly,

"I don't have a favorite book or author. I only read when people make me."

Say what?!

An English major, who doesn't like to READ?!! Blasphemy!!!

Strange, truly strange.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Last night my room mate informed me that I talk a LOT in my sleep. I laughed and explained to her that I was wondering when that would come up because I am well aware of that fact. My brother would tease me mercilessly about it. According to her, two weeks ago she came in and I was asleep. She heard me mumbling and was like,

"What the heck? Is she awake?"

She went towards my bed and I say up saying,


Then I laid back down and continued to mutter.

I told her that it wasn't the first time and probably wouldn't be the last. I even tend to sing while I'm sleeping. My brother's heard me do it along with one of my friends. When I was little I slept walked around the house.

Ah well. I'll have to look it up later and see why I might do that.

Needless to say, now she wants hear me sing in my sleep. She says that she's going to video tape me and post it on YouTube.

*shakes head*

I'll never live this down.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Uh... Bad Luck?

I know it's bad luck when a black cat crosses your path- but what about a small black dog? Twice?
The Fruit Bat and I were on a nightly ramble once more- as our feet wander, so does the conversation- and as we passed a particular street, she inquired of me,
"Isn't this where we met those dogs?"
I responded that it was the other direction down the street, and we looked ahead once more. To see a small black dog running across the road in front of us.
"No. Our luck CAN'T be that bad," I murmured in disbelief- only to see a small golden lab come tearing around the corner after the black Chihauhua.
I guess our luck is that bad.
Yes, we met Jake and his friend again. Key words being- again. So we called the owner again and got them picked up- it's just too funny. Jake came right up to us just like last time, and Fruit Bat actually got ahold of the small black dog. Someone named it Spanky. Poor dog.
Once again, we witness the animal magnetism of the Fruit Bat.
I swear, I've had more animal encounters with her than I've ever had before.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thowra - son of the wind

This is a pretty short video of my favorite movie when I was a kid. I LOVE the song the person used for their video. Anyways, take a look.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Give me your tired and your poor

"Give me your tired and your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
the wretched refuse of your teeming shore
send these, the tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

I've always liked this poem, it's message; give me the ones who no one wants, I will take care of them. The reason that this quote is up there is because of what happened today.
The Fruit Bat and I went on a afternoon shopping trip, carried her groceries into her dorm and walked back outside. I looked over and saw a tub, a plastic storage tub, which had been there for a few days. There were flies buzzing around the top of it- and I commented on it to Sarah. Just as I did we heard the cries.
Within the tub were three kittens, very young, wailing for someone to feed them. There was newspaper on the bottom of the tub, and it was scattered with kitty litter, which was full, they sat in their own fecal mater. A bowl held dirty yellow and brown water, an empty food tin stood to the side.
How can someone do this?
The strongest of the kittens, a longhair gray with blue/green eyes, tried to climb out, and I picked him up. Fruit Bat and I stood there, discussing what to do, until the roomate of the person responsible came out to talk to us. We called the office- they didn't do anything, so we asked the R.A.'s permission to take the kittens to the Animal Shelter, this was granted and we went.
The animal shelter was closed and wouldn't open until Monday, so we discussed our options as we fed the starving kittens. Now Fruit Bat is taking the kittens home, and I'm glad that they'll have somewhere safe. They slept on my lap for three hours- so yeah, I'm attached.
The gray one, who we think is male, is called Squall. He's the kitten that the person had the longest, the first one that he pulled out of the bushes, seperating him forever from his mother- one of the many feral cats on campus. We don't think that he is realated to the other two kittens. Squall is quite vocal and affectionate- I already adore him.
The other two are girls, we think, who look like twins. Tawny and striped black, both with clouded jade eyes.
Leo, (or Leones) is the lighter of the twins, more yellowed in the face, and thin. She is the least active of the kittens, and slept most of the time. She attacked the food the most voraciously, and cries when you pick her up- none of them have any fat, so it hurts them when you handle them. She was very sweet-natured, and gave Squall face washes- she also cleaned her sister's paws.
Tigrhi is the darker of the twins, her facial fur more brown than tawny. Tigrhi was the middle road in activity, she wasn't as active as Squall, but moved around more than Leo. Tigrhi was scared, and wanted someplace to hide- unfortunately we couldn't let her find a hiding spot because she might get stuck there- but we did the next best thing, letting her hide under the Fruit Bat's jacket. Once she was covered, she settled down.
It was heartbreaking to hear them cry so hungrily, and then fall asleep from exhaustion, not crying any more because they knew that no food was coming.
I love these kittens, I would love to keep them- but here is the important part- I KNOW BETTER.
I know that I am in a dorm, and pets are not allowed.
I know that I am a student and have neither the money nor the time to properly care for a pet.
Would I love them?
Would me keeping them be good for them?
The evidence of this is plain- the kittens are dehydrated, tired, starving, you can feel their bones, they have ear mites and maybe fleas. They're probably sick from sitting in that fetid box for days.
I love my kittens. That's why they are going home with Fruit Bat, who can care for them until they can go to an animal shelter and find a good home.
It really doesn't matter if they forget me.
I won't forget them.

Friday, October 10, 2008

She Saw a See Saw

Or, actually, We Saw a See Saw. On one of our nightly rambles (nightly because foxes are slighly nocturnal and bats are entirely nocturnal) the Fruit Bat and I found a old teeter totter/ seesaw next to an equally old set of swings. Of course, we immediately leapt upon the see saw.

Think back, when you were little, was that not one of THE most awesome playground toys? It ranked right up there with the merry-go-round and the tire swing didn't it?

You never see them anymore- too dangerous, just like you never see merry-go-rounds. (I'm talking about the metal disc with hand rails that you started spinning by running with it, and then jumping on and whirling around until you were sick.)

In my opinion- if a kid is gonna get hurt, then they're gonna get hurt. It doesn't much matter what they play on. We will find a way to hurt ourselves on it. For example- jumping off swings. Or climbing on top of the monkey bars rather than underthem. A child will find a way to misuse/ hurt themselves on playground equipment.

But that's not what this is about. Since foxes are heavier than bats, I was the one having to continually propel us up into the air- which was fun. And I was also the one best able to leave the Poor Fruit Bat suspended while I just chilled on the low end- which was funny. It was nostalgic, and we were both laughing over the sound of the shrieking metal as the see saw moved. Then Fruit Bat decided to get clever. She noticed that every now and again, she'd pop up out of her seat. She decided that even though she weighed less than I did, it would somehow be a good idea to try and pop me out of my seat.

Oh Fruit Bat, Fruit Bat, Fruit Bat...

I went down, Fruit Bat lurched forward, hands coming free of her handlebar, an expression of amused surprise on her face, her mouth open in an 'O' Then slip, slither, slide, she was on the ground, landing funny on her ankle in the process. Silly Fruit Bat.

I rather like our nightly rambles- they are excellent de-stressors. In this area, we've even expeirenced some of the Fruit Bat's legendary animal magnetism. We met two dogs, a little black Chihauha (which I don't actually classify as a dog,) and a young lab-mix. They were lost, and after playing phone tag for awhile, we got ahold of someone to come and take them. The little black Chihauha wouldn't let us touch him- skittish as all-get-out, though the lab thought it was great fun to be petted and adored while waiting for his owner.

We also met a cat- sweet little thing who, unlike other cats I've met, came right up to us to be petted. She likes us!
The picture is sort of an inside joke for Labyrinth fans.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hot and Cold As the World Falls Down

Out of curiousity, (digs out 50 cents) how hard is it for the temperature to pick a degree and hover in that area?

When I wake up, its anywhere from 45-50 degrees outside.

By the time I'm done with classes, its anywhere from 75-90 degrees outside.

I mean, I can either wear a jacket to keep from freezing in the morning and roast in the afternoon, or I can not wear a jacket, freeze in the morning and not roast in the afternoon.

But then I have to put on a jacket again anyway, because my dorm room is frigid. I'm not kidding. But, whatever. I'm not really expecting a solution, I'm just ranting.

And now, for the sake of fangirling, my reccommended movie!

It's an oldie, (1970's) but in my opinion, an excellent movie! It is Labyrinth. It's really intresting, if you are a Phan then you'll probably like it- one of the characters, Jareth, has the same basic motive as the Phantom. Labyrinth begins in our world, following a teenage girl who is very dramatic, loves theater, and is entirely bratty. Her love for drama has led her to believe that her stepmother is evil, and that everyone is conspiring against her. She loves fairy-tales, and the one that she reads the most is called Labyrinth- which details the adventures of a young woman who challenges the Goblin King for a child. Through a series of unfortunate brattyness, the girl wishes away her baby brother- the Goblins come and take him. To get him back from Jareth, the Goblin King, she must journey through the Labyrinth within thirteen hours.

I won't spoil the end for anyone who hasn't seen it, but really, if you can, I'd watch it. The picture up there is fanart of the movie, found, like all of my pictures, on DeviantART. The owl in the picture is Jareth- he can shapeshift. Is that cool or what?!

The Pressure Is On

Okay, time for a rant.

Why do a lot of girls think that they HAVE to have a boyfriend???? I know several girls that feel like if they don't then they aren't worthwhile? Some of these girls have dropped out of school, given up jobs, moved out of their parents house, ect. just to go out and have fun, to meet someone. Why? Why, destroy your future for something like that? I mean, yes I would LOVE to find someone, but I haven't, and quite honestly I am totally fine with that right now. I would rather wait for the right guy to come along than go out looking for him, and giving up my dreams of becoming a veterinarian.

I have asked a few of them about it, and the only explaination that they can give me is, "Everyone has a boyfriend." Really? Everyone? Yeah. Right. Now I know we've heard this a LOT from our parents but, if everyone were jumping off a bridge would you do it? Of course not! You have the sensibility not to. Then why the heck do we not have the sensibility to understand that the right person is out there for us, and that God has everything planned out perfectly for our lives?

*sigh* Sorry, I was in a mood. I'm just tired of people who act like the only important thing in life is finding a boyfriend. I just don't understand it so it frustrates me to no end. When i hear them complaining about how they should have done this, or should have done that, and wish that they hadn't dropped out of school, and then revert back to doing the same thing, I just get so, so...UGH! Annoyed! *shakes head*

Freakin' change your life and make a difference in the world then. Do something for someone other than yourself for once! If you're not going to do something about it then stop complaining because you have no one to blame but yourself.


Natasha Bedingfield

I'm not waitin' around for a man to save me
(Cos I'm happy where I am)
Don't depend on a guy to validate me
(No no)
I don't need to be anyone's baby
(Is that so hard to understand?)
No I don't need another half to make me whole

Make your move if you want doesn't mean I will or won't
I'm free to make my mind up you either got it or you don't

This is my current single status
My declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant
I'm single (Right now)
That's how I wanna be I'm single
(Right now) That's how I wanna be

Don't need to be on somebody's arm to look good
(I like who I am)
I'm not saying I don't wanna fall in love 'cos I would
I'm not gonna get hooked up just 'cos you say I should
(Can't romance on demand)
I'm gonna wait so I'm sorry if you misunderstood

~Fruit Bat

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Farewell Cookie and Bless Gaara Father...

“I hope to make people realize how totally helpless animals are, how dependent on us, trusting as a child must that we will be kind and take care of their needs... [They] are an obligation put on us, a responsibility we have no right to neglect, nor to violate by cruelty.” ~James Harriot

What a great way to describe animals. They ARE helpless and like children. We made them that way; totally dependent on us for everything. Therefore it is our responsibility to take care of them and make sure that they are happy and healthy.

Remember those two puppies I posted about a few weeks ago? Well, Vulpecula and me named the black fluffy one Cookie and the other one Gaara. I went to my Granny and Papa's this weekend to hang out. When I went to call both the dogs to me only Gaara came. Cookie didn't show up at all over the weekend so today I finally got the nerve up to ask the little boy who was playing with Gaara to ask him where Cookie was.

"He died from worms."

Was the response I received. I asked him if Gaara had worms as well and he told me that he didn't know. Now I know I shouldn't assume things but from the sound of it they aren't taking their pets to the vet. They already had one dog taken away from them because they used to beat and neglect him so it's really hard for me to not just assume.

I'm concerned about Gaara now. I worry that he'll die next because usually, no, normally if one puppy has worms so does the other.

People can really irritate me sometimes. Would they let their children wander around infested with worms? No. Of course not. But bring an animal into the picture and some people just don't care. They see them as an item to play with and not take care of. You should NEVER get a pet if you can't properly care for him/her.

Baka ningens! UGGH!

A dog sits waiting in the cold autumn sun.

Too faithful to leave, too frightened to run.

He's been here for days now with nothing to do,

but sit by the road waiting for you.

He can't understand why you left him that day.

He thought you and he were stopping to play.

He's sure you'll come back, and that's why he stays.

How long will he suffer? How many days?

His legs have grown weak, his throat's parched dry.

He's sick now from hunger and falls, with a sigh.

He lays down his head and closes his eyes.

I wish you could see how a waiting dog dies.

-Kathy Flood


~Fruit Bat~

P.S. Think what you want on the issue but if one can't even show love and compassion for an animal then how can they for a human?