Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dakota Update

Dakota was taken to the vet last Saturday to get his staples taken out. Unfortunately, the vet couldn't remove them yet because the incision hasn't closed up completely in the lower area. On the bright side he no longer has to wear the E-collar, and he's gained almost ten pounds! He looks MUCH better! :D He's a handful at home but we've discovered that he doesn't like compressed air being sprayed near him. I thank dog trainer Victoria Stilwell for that one. Her show "It's Me or the Dog" has helped much.

Dakota doesn't know what to make of Angelo. Food? Friend? Toy? LOL! XD Luckily he figured out that she wasn't food or a toy.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Bringing Others Together: A Miracle Dog

Dakota is doing well though he's a bit tired and out of it. I had to go buy an E-collar for him because he was pulling the staples out of his leg. I then had to take him to the vet due to the incision leaking blood and pus. My vet told me that she didn't like it that the vet's near my college (about 4 hours away) used staples to close the incision up. She said that they should have used stitches or something more secure. She didn't put anymore staples in his leg. She said that it needed to drain. They also didn't give me any antibiotics for him at the clinic near my college, so my vet here gave me some. She didn't understand why the vets over there didn't give me antibiotics either. I can't complain though. Those vets did a wonderful thing for Dakota. Poor Dakota was exhausted afterwards. He didn't appreciate being taken to the vet clinic. The little guy slept most of yesterday.

Good news! He's been putting weight on his left hind leg. He has even been walking on it! Hopefully he'll get full use of it back. I start physical therapy on him next week. He also gained three pounds! He now weighs 58 pounds instead of 55!
The only problems we're having with him right now is him pushing Toboe-chan around. He growls and snarls at him when he comes over to be petted by me. I'm trying to teach him that he can't do that. I have two hands and I am quite capable of petting them both. He also tries to steal Toboe's food. He needs to learn that it's not allowed. Luckily, he doesn't try to take food away from people in the house. Dakota doesn't even seem to notice or care. When we take his food away from him he let's us and doesn't cause any problems. I was worried that he might since he's been starved. He also thinks that he's allowed on the couch. I've been working with him on that. LOL!

Yesterday Dakota and Toby got into a fight. I had to break it up. Dakota discovered how much fun toys were and decided that he wanted the ball Toby had. Toby didn't like that. No one was hurt but they can't continue to fight over toys.

We had to take him to the vet again today because his leg was leaking blood and pus REALLY bad. They put two more staples in his leg and cleaned his right ear because he still has a bit of an infection in it. They left room for it to leak out because again, it's good for it too. We are just trying to keep him from laying on the carpet and getting blood on it. He's been pretty good about staying on his blankets. There was a sweet lady that overheard Dakota's story at the vet clinic and when we went back to the exam room one of the vets came in and told us that the lady had paid for his visit to the vet. We didn't have to pay anything. I can't believe that she did that. I wish I could have told her thank you but at least my mom got to. I had to stay in the exam room with him. My mom said that when she thanked the lady that she had said that she'd hoped to escape before we realized what she'd done for us. The lady had tears in her eyes and said that she felt the need to help because no animal deserves what he went through. She told my mom Merry Christmas and my mom did likewise.
The vet fell in love with him as well and told us that he'd only charge us for the exam. Nothing else. Dakota is bringing strangers together and showing everyone what miracles are by surviving against all odds. He's received the name "Miracle Dog" by us and others. Along with "Christmas Puppy." Absolutely amazing! God has a plan for him, I can see it. There's a reason he was meant to live.

That's pretty much it right now. I'll keep everyone updated on his progress.

I can't wait for you guys to meet him!
Heh. ---------------->
He's being a dork in this pic! He was lying on his back. LOL! XD

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Alright, here's the pictures of the pup that I promised to post. We've named him Dakota which means 'friend, ally, forever smiling.' Suits him well I believe.

His surgery went well if not a little more difficult than the vets originally thought. There was a lot of scar tissue and muscle damage from the initial trauma. Right now he's doped up on a LOT of pain meds and sleeping. He can walk around but he refuses to use his left hind leg. It's sore and he doesn't realize that he can. I'm going to have to give him physical therapy for several months before he gains confidence in that leg again. My brother and mom will have to take over the physical therapy once I leave and head back to college. For now, I'll be doing it.

He's still REALLY underweight. He weighs 55.2 pounds. He should be at least 100 pounds. When he's full grown he'll weigh WAY more than that.

And even though I’m walkin’ through The valley of the shadow I will hold tight to the hand of Him Whose love will comfort me And when all hope is gone And I’ve been wounded in the battle He is all the strength that I will Ever need And He will carry me

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Divine Appointment

Today I had a divine appointment. Yes, I really did. Only I didn't know about it until I was called into the office. Literally.

Basically my room mate and me needed a vacuum to clean our dorm up. So, I called my Granny and asked if I could borrow hers. My room mate and I didn't want to go out and buy one. I told my Granny that I'd come get it after 1pm because I had an exam at that time. Suddenly I said, "No, I'll come get it now." As soon as I said it I was annoyed. I didn't understand why I had just blurted out that I would come get it immediately when I needed to be studying. What the heck? I'd just go get it. Normally when I go to their house I take a quick way that involves fewer lights. Well, as I was waiting to make a right onto the road, I suddenly found myself going straight. I was like, "What the? Why the HECK did I go straight?!" I sighed and decided that I'd just take the long way to their house. What did it matter?

When I turned down onto the street that lead to the main road I was complaining aloud to myself about taking the long rout and not understanding why I had done so. All of a sudden I saw a dog. He was lying in a church parking lot on the grass off to the side of the road. I drove by and saw that it looked like something was wrong with him. I made a U-turn and went back to him. As I pulled up and stepped out of my truck he stood up and stumbled/walked away from me, holding his left leg up. I gasped when I saw that he was REALLY skinny. I could see all of his ribs, his hip bones stuck out, and the vertebrae in his spine were easy to count. I cooed to him and talked sweetly. He stopped gave me this look that said, "You're not going to throw something at me?" wagged his tail a little, and laid down. He looked abandoned and I figured he'd been hit by a car.

I walked up to him and started petting him. When I touched his right ear he whimpered and moved away. I was scared when I saw dried blood and thought that when he'd been hit by the car he'd been hit in the head as well. I tried to put my necklace around his neck as a leash but he freaked and took off in his stumbling walk again. I calmed him down by talking softly again and he laid back down. I then began asking God what I was supposed to do when a guy working for Direct TV drove by. I flagged him down and he turned down the ally-way that I was on. I explained to him that I needed rope or something. He asked if cable would work and I said yes. He then pulled a whole bunch out and asked how long I wanted it. I told him and he gave it to me. I then put it around his neck and tied it. He began freaking out again when I tried to pull him to my truck. He was yelping because it hurt to walk. I asked the guy to hold him while I ran and got my truck.

I came back and tied my necklace around his muzzle so that he wouldn't bite me. Then I picked him up and put him in my truck. Dang was he heavy for a starved dog! My Granny and I rushed him to the vet clinic and they did X-rays to see what was wrong.

Apparently, his left hip bone had been knocked out of its normal place. They said it was an old wound from several months ago and were surprised that he had survived as long as he did with it that way. They are going to give him surgery to help him be able to walk without so much pain. They plan on going into him and shaving down the ball part of his femur. Then they're going to put it back in it's socket. Cartilage will build up and his muscles and ligaments will support it, and help him to walk again. He'll be able to walk eventually but he'll always have a strange limping gait.

The blood on his head was from an ear infection. They think he had been in a fight because he has a puncture hole on his ear. The wound became infected and swelled up.

He is also extremely malnourished so we will be working on getting weight put on him. Poor baby. He has no name yet but my mom said that we are going to be keeping him. I'm bringing him back with me Thursday.

The x-ray is of his left hip. You can see that the femur is trying to fuse with another bone. I'll post pictures of him Wednesday if I can. No promises. I will say that he appears to be a German Shepard mix. He's bigger than Toby if that helps. LOL! XD

Vul says that it sounds like my Guardian angle took the steering wheel from me. LOL! I can believe it. She says that my magnetism is growing and surpassed the level of animals being drawn to me. Now I'm being drawn to them when they're in need.
OH, and when I backed out of the allyway I hit a huge metal green dumpster and majorly dented the back end of my truck! Drat! My dad is gonna be SOOO angry when he sees that!
Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see

Monday, December 8, 2008

fourth day

Just a quick post today and then back to studying. Seems like my seven days to the wolves is going to be more like ten- I just don't have time during finals to color them and keep up. So this may be the last for a little while, Yahiko! *hugs*

In the show he's a cute street kid who believes that he doesn't need help, and winds up getting it anyway. He's brash and rude, but he's pretty sharp and a prodigy with his shinai. He's the descendent of a samurai family, but his dad died in the war and his mom died working for a yakuza gang.

For Yahiko as a canine, I thought that a dog would be a good choice, an Akita, specifically, because they were samurai dogs. He's scruffy from living on the streets, but still looks confident. I was a bit disapointed because I couldn't get him to look more puppy-ish, and he looks more like a cross between an akita and a husky than a pure akita. But that's okay too, he can be a mutt!

Grazer, yep that's me!

Food. The essential need to survive, aside from water. I don't eat much food according to most. Okay, actually, most people say that I starve myself because when I eat meals with them I barely eat anything. Not my fault. I don't like eating huge amounts of food in one setting. I can't. I mean I could if I wanted to but that would result in being extremely ill later. Why do I get ill from eating large amounts of food in one setting? IBS, better known as Irritable Bowl Syndrome.

Basically, my intestines don't like food. Yes, weird, I know. The acids in my stomach and intestines react crazily to the food, and the peristalsis (muscle contractions) of my intestines is irregular which causes extreme cramping. This cramping can become so unbearable that I can be reduced to tears in a matter of minutes. This is one reason why I went vegetarian. Not the main reason but one of them. Ever since I went vegetarian I haven't cried from pain. That's because the pain has dropped tremendously due to cutting murdered animals out of my diet. This is due to the fact that meat is harder to digest than anything else. Unless you fancy metal. Then that would be the hardest. XD

On a side note, I prefer to graze, like a horse. In other words, I eat a small breakfast, then eat a snack, have a small meal for lunch, eat another snack, and have a small meal for dinner. I DO eat. You people just aren't around when I do. Ask my family, or Jaki or Tom. They've been around me enough to know that I EAT FOOD on a regular basis. When eating meals my stomach, intestines, and my whole body gives me a warning that says "Hey, no more food! You'll be sick!" I can't even explain the feeling. It's sorta like when there's a bad storm coming and you're instincts freak out and try to tell you. Thanks to my IBS I prefer to drink fluids, water mainly, more than anything else. A lot of people like to tell me that I'm going to give myself water poisoning, but my doctor told me that it is normal especially since I also have kidney problems. It's my body's way of caring for it's needs without causing more pain and annoyance for me. If I could live off of apples and water, I'd gladly do so, but unfortunately I cannot.

Why am I posting on this? I'm sick and tired of people saying that I don't eat and that I starve myself. Okay, first off if I WAS starving myself, which I'm not, then would I still weigh the same amount since last year? No. I'd weigh less. Not to mention that I work out and I still haven't lost or gained weight. According to http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/assets/UVAHealth/ssi/includes/hbwcalc.html#results
I actually weigh the ideal and healthy weight of someone my age and height.

Thus ends my rant. Now, back to studying for my freakin' exams.

~Fruit Bat

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I worked at a community christmas event this morning- volunteered some of my time, just to get checked off on a list I don't really care about. And I had fun, I was a door-greeter at a cabin, and there was someone with me that I was able to talk with, and he was very nice.
But ever since then, I've been in a bad mood- and now I think I know why.
I'm homesick, stronger than it's been ever since the first week.
There's only eighteen days till Christmas and every minute of them not filled with my family feels like a waste.
I can't focus- even with finals looming tomorrow, I can't settle, and I'm horrible company. (Sorry about that, Fruit Bat)
I want to go home and wear my santa hat and the bells that drive evil glare insane. I want to INSIST that we watch all of our christmas classics, The Santa Clause, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snow Man, A Charlie Brown Christmas and Winnie the Pooh and Christmas too, while playing our family card games. I want to sit in the rocking chair and just stare at the tree, and try to keep the cat from opening the gifts. I want to walk in the Wal-mart parking lot singing Silver Bells, and greet people with "Merry Christmas!" I want to watch my little brother and sister try to convince mom and dad that they really ought to be allowed to open one gift on christmas eve, and I want all of us kids to sleep in one room on christmas eve night, too excited to really sleep, and daring each other to guess what we gave them. I want to lie awake at four in the morning on Christmas day, knowing that I still have at least four hours, and probably five, before we're even allowed to go downstairs. I want to argue over which of us gets to wear the santa hat this year and pass out the presents, and I want to go to Candlelight Communion and sing in a darkly illuminated mass of believers. I want to sneak red and green m&m's out of the glass christmas tree dish at home, and act suprised when they're all gone. I want to bug my mom to get apple cider so that we can have hot apple cider- I want to sit in the back of the pickup on christmas eve night, bundled up warm and burning my tongue on hot chocolate while we drive around looking at christmas lights, with Squirt and I singing whatever christmas carols pop into our heads. I want to go to bed at night with the glow of christmas lights stealing through my window, and I want to try getting a note- any note- out of the christmas horn that so far only three of us have been able to play. I want to try and convince my family that the Second Santa Clause was not as good as the first, and I want to wrap up in my red blanket and stalk around the house as though it is a cape. I want to sit at the table for dinner and just listen.
All this, and so much more- like listening to our favorite christmas songs all day.
Right now, I can't listen to one of my favorites.
If I hear "I'll be home for Christmas," I'll start crying.

On the Third day...

We step out of the Oniwabanshuu and into the Kenshin-gumi, starting with Megumi, the fox lady.

Seriously, the series tells us (repeatedly) that she is a "fox".

Here's Megumi Takani, she's actually the one that I've worked the hardest on- because I'm not happy with her color. I went from brown to gold to darker gold- and I'm still not happy, but I don't have time to waste on her.

In the show, Megumi is a smart and flirty doctor (hence the name "fox") who is also very beautiful. It just sort of made sense that the Kenshin group would eventually get a doctor- heaven knows they need one on call all the time.

As always, I only colored and tweaked the picture, which belongs to Kay Fedewa of the Black Blood Alliance.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

On the second day...

On the second day of the wolves, we have a not-wolf. Meet Misao Makimachi, the Jackal.

Again, I don't want a lot of grief- I know that her tail is too fluffy, but if I'm ignoring the fact that Jackals live in Africa and would probably never meet a wolf outside of a zoo...

Misao, like Aoshi is a ninja- but she's a very exuberant one... I thought about making her a coyote, but it just didn't seem right.

As with Aoshi, if anyone has a better idea for what she should have been, please, let me know.

Also, should I be putting up pictures of the actual characters so that you guys can compare? Or am I overthinking this?

Anyway, there she is- again the design is not by me, I just tweaked and colored it.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Seven days to the Wolves

Yeah! Seven days to the Wolves, thus, Seven wolves, and a bonus wolf on the seventh day.

I had this crazy idea a while back of taking the characters from Rurouni Kenshin and making them animals- I even have a sort-of plotline, though I don't know that I'll ever get around to writing it- it's sorta pointless to write a story on something that isn't yours... >.<

But, anyway, I've been taking some wolf drawings (NOT BY ME. CREDIT GOES COMPLETELY TO KAY FEDEWA OF THE BLACKBLOOD ALLIANCE. I DID THESE PICTURES FOR MY OWN PERSONAL AMUSEMENT, I DON'T WANT ANY MONEY FROM THEM, BUT STILL, I APOLOGIZE TO THE ARTIST!) and recoloring them to fit with the RK cast members that I've chosen. I'll be trying to post a wolf a day.

First up is Aoshi Shinomori, since he's a tall human, he'd probably be a tall wolf. He's a timberwolf, the silvery parts are scars (yes, Aoshi has scars. A lot, actually, if you look at his second fight with Kenshin.) That thing on his leg is an armwarmer/armor thing... it's mostly there because he's a ninja... ninja wolf! >.>;

He may not be mine but I worked hard on him gosh darn it! And I think he's pretty!

For the purposes of this story, I'm ignoring some basic facts of nature, so I don't want any grief about some of the animals that I picked for the characters. If you think you can do better, please, show me.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Wait... strike that, reverse it.
I've got a paper due Thursday. 6 pages at least.
Right now I have about 3- and serious writers block.
Just complaining really quick.
Have to stare at the blinking cursor some more now.
EDIT: Okay! Now I'm done!

Hikari Toya Commited Suicide

The title says it all. My Betta fish, Hikari Toya, he jumped out of the fish tank while I was on vacation for Thanksgiving.

Vul and I walked into my dorm, and I ran over to see how Hikari Toya did over the break. The thing was, there was no Hikari Toya present. We looked around the tank but still couldn't find him. I helped Vul take her stuff to her dorm and then began pulling my desk out from the wall. I was convinced that he somehow had managed to jump out of the tank. Nope, no fish behind the desk. I then gave up, took a shower, contemplating if someone was playing a cruel joke on me. Then I started to clear off my desk when BAM! There he was! Dead, stiff, and shriveled up behind my books, sitting on my test. I freaked and didn't know what to do at first. My fish HAD jumped out of the tank, and killed himself.

I'm not sure why he did it or if he'd been practicing but there is only one way out of the tank; a little hole meant for feeding the fish. Yes, he some how managed to jumped just right and get out of the tank. Successfully killing himself. It was pretty traumatizing, finding him dead like that. Poor Hikari Toya. I wish I knew why he did it. Now there's this joke going around that he wanted to come with me so he tried following. *sigh* I feel terrible. I knew I should have just brought him with me. Something had been telling me to but I ignored The Voice. NEVER ignore The Voice. Your instincts are usually correct. I really need to learn this.

Anyways, back to practicing my speech. Ttyl, peace! *does the peace sign* Wow...I'm lame...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Villains continued...

I said I might do another, so in the interest of killing time until I get to go home- here is my list of adored villains. Seriously- either I think these guys are awesome or someone I know does.

Reno - Final Fantasy VII
Now here’s a character that was boosted to sudden popularity! He’s benefited greatly from the release of Advent Children- though I thought he was pretty cool in the game too. Reno is a Turk- (an organization, not the country) Turks specialize in dirty deeds, such as murder, extortion, kidnapping and espionage, though they also find candidates for SOLDIER. You fight Reno several times during the course of the game- he’s not too tough, but is a respectable opponent. Reno is noticeably the most laid back of the Turks- just look at the way he dresses!

“A pro isn't someone who sacrifices themselves for a job. That's just a fool.”

Seifer Almasy – Final Fantasy VIII
Ah yes, the “Sorceress’ Knight” and eternal rival of Squall in FF8, the cocky blond bombshell, Seifer. I always thought that Seifer was kind of interesting- he’s the mirror opposite of Squall after all, and how often do you get to see that? I loved his friends Fujin and Raijin, but in the end, wound up hating him. I mean, seriously, being brainwashed or “entranced” only buys you so much leeway in my book. The guy tortured Squall and enjoyed it. Hmph.

Quistis Trepe: You're the squad leader. Good luck to you.

Seifer: ...Instructor. I hate it when people wish me luck. Save those words for a bad student that needs them, eh?

Belleza- Skies of Arcadia
Whoo-boy… I’ve got a love-hate relationship with Belleza, I love her because she’s incredibly strong, incredibly smart and refuses to let her people die unnecessarily. I hate her because she’s incredibly strong, incredibly smart, and in love with the villain. The first time you meet Belleza, you as the player should know that something is up- because there is just no way that that beautiful obviously-not-from-Nsar- bellydancing girl is interested in nobody like Vyse. At this point in the game you haven’t really done to much in the way of serious ship fighting, you fought Baltor and learned that if you shoot a ship from behind, good things happen. Then you fight Belleza. BELLEZA IS SMARTER THAN YOU. You are given options while fighting her, if you choose the wrong one, such as, trying to get behind her she will decimate you. The only way to beat her with minimal pain is to choose all the right answers, which is impossible on your first try unless you are cheating.
Nevertheless, I salute Belleza, because she had the guts to kill the man she loved for the sake of the world. ‘Course, she died too.

Vyse: They say that only one who has walked the desert can know its true size. (Belleza told him this)
Belleza: I never thought I would truly know the desert’s size…

Harle- Chrono Cross
One of my three favorite characters in the game, Harle, who is more mysterious than evil. Harle is constantly covered in thick jester’s paint, so you never get to see what she looks like, though some fans of the game have pointed out the resemblance in her facial structure to that of Kid, the heroine. Harle serves “Monseiur Lynx” with a strong French accent and a flirtatious personality toward Serge. Throughout the game you see that despite the side she is on, she does not wish for Serge’s death. Harle has no happy ending, which fails in my opinion, she simply disappears at one point in the game and you never see her again. I understand why this is so, but she’s such a great character!

“Pleaze dream of moi, Serge!”

Millenia- Grandia II
I suppose if you want to get technical in one direction Millenia isn’t really a villain. But if you get technical in the other direction… Millenia is the “The Wings of Valmar” who is, for all purposes of the game, the devil. The only reason that she has physical form is that she has infested the body of Elena, and is in fact supposed to take over Elena’s body and eat her soul. Reasons why she doesn’t do this are unknown. Millenia loves chaos, and has a habit of exploding when provoked- fans of the game will remember the “rage meter” for Millenia which had a habit of exploding in boss fights, effectively stealing control away from you. Millenia is an amazing character who I find hilarious.

“AHHH! The cursed light of the sun! It burns, it BURNS! Ha! Fooled ya!”

Riku- Kingdom Hearts
Simultaneously best friend and worst enemy of Sora in the first game. Riku was always the leader of their group of friends, the leader, the best fighter, the most adventurous, in short, he is the perfect hero character. Which also makes him a perfect villain. First clue that something isn’t right- Riku willingly steps into the darkness with little regard for what is happening to his island, and where his friends are. Through the course of the game, Riku loses control of himself to the one called “Ansem,” though he regains it before the end, forcibly restraining the beast within himself from attacking Sora.
“Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!”

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Football Madness

Okay, so anyone who knows me is well aware that I've never liked football. As of today that has changed. Yes, I now like football. I never really gave it a chance until today. It was all my Papa's fault. LOL! xD

Basically, after church my Granny, Papa, and myself went to eat then afterwards we went to their house. The Dallas Cowboys were playing against San Fransisco today so naturally my Papa wanted to watch the game. I wasn't too thrilled but I decided to go ahead and attempt to watch a game for once in my life, just so that I could say I had, though I wasn't expecting much from it. Well, I got into. Sadly. I was yelling and I actually chose a side for once. I usually don't pick sides but today I did. I rooted for the Cowboys. After half time commercials came on and I was asleep within a few minutes. When I woke up I was annoyed that I had fallen asleep and missed part of the game (curse you commercials!). I didn't miss much though. LOL! I've become part of the football madness crowd.

*sniff* So sad...ah well, I love it!!!! :D

heh...I can't wait to tell my dad. He'll be ecstatic, as well as some of my friends. Some of my friends won't be but I don't care. It's my decision. xD

Oh, and if you haven't heard the Dallas Cowboys won!!! YAY!!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Riverside Adventure

Yesterday and today Vulpecula and myself went to the river. The first time we walked and the second drove. Anyways, we went to the river to feed the ducks and geese. It was totally awesome!!! We started feeding the ducks and then the geese noticed.

They came running over to eat the bread we were tossing out for them. The nasty things chased off the cute ducks. I loved the ducks! They acted like dogs, and they weren't rude either. The geese, especially the males, were very demanding about the food. They wanted it immediately. I have to admit that the geese were cute in their own way though. The main male goose got right next to Vul and me. His head came up to my hip. He would try snagging some food from our hands while we were busy feeding one of the other geese or ducks. Sneaky brat! He even tried to bite us! I posted a video of him at the top of the blog if you wish to see it.

We also saw some strange birds that dove under the water. I'm not sure what they were but they were quite skittish of us.

On our way back Friday, we came across two dogs; a Basset Hound and a Husky. They were adorable! The Husky kept sticking his head through the fence, and she licked our faces. The Basset Hound was under weight which we weren't too happy about. He was cute too! He had that trademark sad droopy face. *pet pet* SO SWEET!!! :D

Friday, November 21, 2008

I Hope you Dance

I recieved this email a few days ago. I hope you dance.

Will You Dance With Me?

Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to be parted from their routine.
I got to thinking one day about all those women on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back. From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible.
How many women out there will eat at home because their husband didn't suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does the word 'refrigeration' mean nothing to you?
How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched 'Jeopardy' on television?
I cannot count the times I called my sister and said, 'How about going to lunch in a half hour?' She would gas up and stammer, 'I can't. I have clothes on the line. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known yesterday, I had a late breakfast, It looks like rain.' And my personal favorite: 'It's Monday.' She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together.
Because Americans cram so much into their lives, we tend to schedule our headaches. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect!
We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get Steve toilet-trained. We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet... We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.
Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of 'I'm going to,' 'I plan on,' and 'Someday, when things are settled down a bit.'
When anyone calls my 'seize the moment' friend, she is open to adventure and available for trips. She keeps an open mind on new ideas. Her enthus iasm for life is contagious. You talk with her for five minutes, and you're ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of Roller blades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord...
My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice cream. It's just that I might as well apply it directly to my stomach with a spatula and eliminate the digestive process. The other day, I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.
Now...go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to......not something on your SHOULD DO list. If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?
Make sure you read this to the end; you will understand why I sent this to you.

Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry go round or listened to the rain lapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butter fly's erratic flight or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
Do you run through each day on the fly?
When you ask ' How are you?' Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores running through your head?
Ever told your child, 'We'll do it tomorrow.' And in your haste, not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch? Let a good friendship die? Just call to say 'Hi?
When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift....Thrown away.....
Life is not a race Take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.
It's National Friendship Week.. Show your friends how much you care. Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND. If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends.
To those I have sent this to... I cherish our friendship and appreciate all you do.
'Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here we might as well dance!

How about it? Even those of us with two left feet should be allowed to dance.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


... Guess what!

I have shingles! And not the kind that sit on your roof.

The painful itchy rash thing that hovers over your nerves. That old people get commonly. Not young people. Of which I am one. One being young. And I have shingles. And they hurt. And they itch when they don't hurt. And if you scratch them they hurt again.

Although I did learn that my pain tolerance must be much higher than I thought it was- I had the shingles for a full week before I went to the clinic to see what was up.

And what was up last night was me- at four in the morning, because it hurt too much to sleep. So I'm taking medicine that makes me drowsy and I didn't get enough sleep last night- so I slept through my first two classes of the day... whooohooo.

I say slept- drowsed is more like, I could hear every word my teachers said, I just could not for the life of me keep my eyes open. So my notes look worse than ususal.... but it's okay, it was sorta like review, so I have a pretty good idea of what went on.

Also! Look at the picture and cower in awe! Seriously, that picture took me at least six hours to do. Probably more- I wasn't keeping track of time, I was watching Airwolf. Props to akewataru of DeviantART who did the lineart- I just colored it.
I'm sure that you've read from the Fruit Bat's posts, but she and I have been watching a lot of movies recently- last night I felt duty-bound to introduce her to Robin Hood: Men in Tights. If you haven't seen this movie, do so. If laughter is medicine for the soul, this movie should be an over-the-counter drug.

Monday, November 17, 2008

No Soap Needed

<------My room-mate holding a coffee pot.

<------Note the murky water.

On a side note, my room mate was making coffee a few nights ago, and when she filled up the coffee pot the water came out a murky grey/white. Yeah, it was gross. Here are some pictures of it. Strangely, only the hot water does that, and if you let it sit for a few minutes it goes back to being clear. Weird.

By the way, there is no soap in the coffee pot. LOL! xD

<-----Can't see bottom of coffee pot.

<-----At least the water is drinkable. It could be worse.

Though that doesn't change the fact that it's not normal. Tis' odd.

I've never seen water do this before. Kind of gross. I wonder what it means...
Heh. Our finger nails were still painted black from Halloween. :D